I AM Vanoss (I AM WILDCAT x Vanoss)

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(A/N: Mild Trigger Warning. Don't read if you don't like stories with suicidal thoughts/theme. Does not have suicide scenes or cutting scenes.)

Tyler POV
Don't you wish that you could sometimes just see what it would be like if you died? See how people would react, what they would do, how things would turn out for everyone if you were gone? Sadly, that's not possible to do. So, I just have to assume how things would be, and I think they would be better. People could easily go on without me. Hell, I'm a single, homosexual guy who lives by himself and does YouTube for a living; I have no reason to be here. I have recently moved to Los Angeles so that I could be with my friends and make sure they aren't suspicious of me before I off myself. Why I don't want them to be 'suspicious', you might ask? If they started figuring out that I'm depressed, there'd be no way I'd be able to kill myself; they'd get in my way. Yeah, I've noticed flaws in my plan, but nothing is flawless. One of the flaws is that now that I live near them, they're able to be much more likely to notice the scars on my wrists. That's why I've been wearing long sleeved shirts, but they might accidentally get rolled up or people might be curious as to why I'm wearing long sleeves in Los Angeles while it's summer and extremely hot.

My thoughts get interrupted by the taxi stopping, signaling I have arrived at Evan's house. I pay the driver and get out, the taxi driving off once I do. I sling my bag over my shoulder, which just has my phone and some other things I packed but don't remember because I was spaced out. The reason I have a bag would be because Evan, Craig (Mini Ladd), David (Nogla), and I are having a sleep over party thing. Yeah, sounds weird, doesn't it? I'm sure there will be plenty of jokes about us being like teenage girls. I knock on the door to Evan's house, expecting everyone else to already be here. My expectations are confirmed correct when I see all three of them answer the door together.

"Hey, look who it is! It's Tyler!" Mini exclaims energetically, holding his camera and making it obvious he is vlogging. He hugs me quickly, not even giving me enough time to hug him back. Okay, someone's had too much coffee. I give a small wave to the camera as Evan shuts the door behind me. Daithi gives me a bro hug, patting me on the back so I do the same.

I turn to Evan and see him smiling at me adorably. "Hi, Wildcat. Bring it in, man!" Him, being shorter just like most people since I'm tall, wraps his muscular arms around me in a hug, his head being on my chest. I hug him back, resting my head on the top of his.

"Hey, Shorty." I greet him, my voice coming out soft. I like to call him that, even though he's average to slightly tall in height.

Evan chuckles. "Shut up." We stop hugging after a couple more seconds and he looks at Craig's camera. "Now let's PARTY!" We all cheer and I set my bag down beside the couch where everyone else has their stuff. I get my phone out of my bag and put it in my basketball shorts pocket. Mini puts his vlogging camera away but I decide to take some pictures for Twitter and Instagram.

Time Skip

After watching a few movies, playing some video games, and a lot of screaming, we decide to end the night off with Twister.

"Daithi, hold my camera and vlog us playing while you call out the things we have to do." Craig commands and Nogla nods, taking his camera and hitting record. He didn't feel like playing Twister anyway, plus we needed someone to tell us what we have to do!

"Right foot red!" He starts calling them out, one after one, laughing at us when we panic or almost fall over.

After a minute it's already getting difficult. Nogla tells us to put our right hand in the air, so when Evan does he cheats and slightly pushes Mini. "You fucking bitch! That can't count!" Craig yells angrily when he falls on the floor.

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