BasicallyIAMWILDCAT (BasicallyIDoWrk x I AM WILDCAT)

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Marcel POV

"OH MY GOD. MARCEL, YOU'RE SUCH A—" Wildcat's regular rage temporarily cuts out for a couple seconds because of shitty Skype. "I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOU JACKASS!" Every time he gets pissed off at me, it genuinely gets to me and hurts me. But I always pretend like it doesn't because, well, that wouldn't be a fun and entertaining video if I let out my real feelings, now would it? Plus everyone would just call me more names, like a pussy. So I always pull on the typical, everything-is-fine-and-words-can't-do-shit-to-me, strong, funny black guy of the group act.

Well, I guess not always. This time I find myself completely taken aback by his words as my character in game sits completely still. Tyler's never said anything that bad before. His words echo in my head; he said he fucking hates me. Hearing him say that stings, and for whatever reason my heart feels absolutely broken. I know he's normally joking, but he just sounded so serious when he was yelling.

Not to mention that I didn't even do anything to him.

"Dude, it wasn't even Marcel!" Delirious exclaims while laughing his ass off because he was the one fucking with Wildcat. I wasn't even there to witness what the hell happened because I had just died and respawned, I just saw in the top right hand corner of my screen that Tyler died— we're playing Gmod Death Run.

"Oh..." Tyler says quietly as his character respawns next to mine.

Brock's character comes up in front of me. "Yo, Marcel. You alright, man?" It makes sense that he's the first one to ask anything about it since he's seen as the softest, most sensitive one of the group.

I nod in real life even though none of them can see me since we don't have our face cams on in the Skype call right now. "Yeah. Sorry, I just got up to close my window." Luckily I can quickly come up with reasonable excuses.

"Why did you have your window open? It's winter." Evan asks, chuckling afterwards.

I start playing again and we all fly back to the trap we were at. "That's why I got up to close it, dumbass."

"Hey, sorry, Marcel. And fuck you, Delirious." Wildcat says, clearly adding on the last part to still keep things comedic. Well done, since Delirious just laughs at his comment. I don't think many of us in our friend group could handle serious situations without some comic relief. Like, ever. Comedy always makes things better and lighter I guess. That's why we're YouTubers and play video games for livings. Less seriousness in life, ya feel?

I sigh a bit louder than I expected and start to pray they didn't hear how upset-sounding it was. "Yeah... Sure." No one says anything as we just continue playing and I try my best to act like normal.

But when we get done playing and everyone else leaves the call, Tyler stays. My heart starts to beat faster, I guess from nervousness of not wanting him to feel guilty. Yeah, I know, that sounds dumb. Even I realize that; I'm just scared to admit that I love this great friend of mine, who is also a giant asshole sometimes. Why do I have to love him?! He literally screamed that he hates me, along with commonly screaming a large variety of bad names at me as well.

"Hey... Marcel?" Tyler turns on his facecam which causes me to instinctively turn on mine. I feel a bit of regret of doing that afterwards, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

"Yeah?" I ask, only looking at him on my screen and I can see he is doing the same for me.

"I know you didn't get up to close your window. You wouldn't have your window open in January: I know you. You're not good with the cold and you get cold easily. Plus, we would've heard you get in and out of your chair, and maybe even the window shutting." I fall silent, now not knowing what to say. So he continues, his facial expression now soft. "We've been friends for years; we can get mushy and all that shit together, right?"

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