SeaChaos (SeaNanners x ChilledChaos)

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(A/N: Smut Warning. Does not have full on sex scenes, though.)

Adam POV

"Have you guys heard from Chilled lately?" Max (GassyMexican) asks, his voice flowing through my headset over Skype. Only him, Steven (Ze), and I are in the video chat call.

Ze shakes his head. "No, he used to text me every morning. Ever since his break up with Jess he just stopped texting me. I saw he would upload and post on Twitter sometimes and stuff still, but I haven't checked for a week or so."

"I haven't heard anything from him either. He hasn't posted on anything or apparently talked to anyone ever since. How long has it been since the break up?" I answer, looking at their faces on the screen rather than my camera which I could tell they were both doing as well.

Max shrugs. "Don't know the specific amount, but it has to have been at least a month."

I sigh. "It's really dull without him. Less mess ups, bad jokes, and comic relief. There just seems to be a huge spark missing without Chilled being here."

Steven smirks. "Yeah, not surprised that you're the one saying that. You still have a crush on him, don't you?" Oh yeah. I accidentally let it slip to Ze about a year ago that I like Chilled, but he said he would keep it secret.

Gassy's eyes widen. "What?! When did this happen, and why do I not know about it?!"

I cross my arms and look down at a random spot on my desk, slightly spinning back and forth in my chair and disregarding Max's confusion. "It's not just a crush anymore, Ze! I really want him to talk to me again. For the longest time I just thought I somehow fucked up and made him mad at me! I guess it's a bit relieving to know that it isn't just me he is ignoring..." I'm silent for a bit but then suddenly look up at my screen again. "I should go over to his apartment and make sure he's doing okay."

At first I thought they were going to tell me not to, but I'm surprised when they both nod. "Yeah, he shouldn't go through this alone. You live closest, anyway. Text us or something to let us know how he's doing and make sure to tell him we're worried." I nod and we say our goodbyes, then I exit the Skype call. I make sure my outfit is okay, a gray t-shirt and jeans, put my phone in my pocket, then go over to my door to put my shoes on but get interrupted by a knock on the door.

I open the door to see the one and only ChilledChaos standing at my doorstep with adorably messy hair, a black wife beater, and jeans. "Anthony!" I exclaim happily, immediately tackling him in a hug. I could tell he was taken by surprise by the way he stumbled backward and almost fell. He wraps his arms around me, softly chuckling as he rests his head on mine. "Oh my god I'm so happy to see you! I was so worried, well, we all were, and I was just about to go over to your apartment to check on you." I speak super fast, emphasizing just how happy I am.

"I'm fine now, it's okay." Anthony mumbles and soon we let go of each other. I let him in and shut the door behind him, allowing him to take his shoes off at the door. We sit down on the couch and he looks over at me. "Were you actually... that worried about me?"

I nod. "Of course I was! People can do some really dumb things after a break up. I was just in a Skype call with Ze and Max when I decided I was gonna go over to yours and check up on you. They told me to text them to tell them how you are doing and to tell you they're worried."

He smiles, seeming in an awfully good mood. "Aww, that's adorable. But that can wait 'til later. I gotta tell you something."

Anthony POV

"What is it?" Adam asks me, tilting his head oh so cutely in question like a puppy. His eyes suddenly become serious, showing just how concerned he truly is for me. I give myself a quick pep talk before finally telling him why I have isolated myself for a month.

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