MiniCat (MiniLadd x I AM WILDCAT)

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(A/N: The reason this ends off weird the way it does is because the next oneshot uploaded is a continuation, except with Vanii7y— Vanoss x Smii7y— as the main ship.)

Craig POV

I let out a panicked, high pitched scream as I frantically shoot at the person killing me in H1Z1: King of the Kill. They die, but not from me. I look up at the kill feed and see that it was Tyler who killed them for me, so as I bandage my character up I glance behind me at the man who is currently staying with me and playing on his laptop.

He flashes me a cocky smirk. "You're welcome."

I roll my eyes and bring my eyes back to my screen. "I would've killed them myself... probably... maybe."

"Yeah, suuure," Tyler sarcastically replies but then suddenly dies. "WHAT?! HOW?!" His voice goes up octaves as he yells and throws an empty water bottle at a wall in anger. I burst out laughing but manage to see through the tears of laughter in my eyes that he died from a sniper we must not have noticed. Right afterwards, I die from the same reason because I was too busy laughing my ass off to actually do anything in the game.

"Well that was fun," I say after I finish my laughing fit and wipe away my tears.

"Uh-huh, yeah, sure." Tyler makes sure to say it in a way to make it sound not genuine, but the smile on his face as he looks at me says otherwise.

Because we're done playing the game, we just sit there looking at each other for a couple seconds. I'm sure his reason is because he's waiting for me to say what is next, but mine is... well, I don't really have a good excuse. I just get lost in the mesmerizing gaze of his beautiful blue eyes sometimes.

Tyler snaps his fingers in front of my face to– quite literally– snap me out of my trance. "Craig? You alright?"

I quickly look away, feeling a small blush appear on my cheeks that I don't want him to notice. "Uhh, yeah, sorry. Just kinda spaced out there for a bit, didn't I?"

"Yeah..." The softness of Tyler's voice as he replies surprises me so I look back up at him now that the blush is gone. He lightly shakes his head to get rid of whatever had gotten to him, a smile quickly appearing back on his face. "So, are we gonna do that Ask Mini now?"

"Oh, yeah!" I exclaim with my regular amount of enthusiasm, deciding it's best to act like nothing odd happened for now. "Could you just stand over there where I regularly record it and pull the questions up on your phone while I set everything up?" Tyler nods and does what I ask.

After he pulls them up, he looks at me and laughs when he sees me having to adjust my camera's height. "Sorry, am I too tall? I could just stand on my knees the whole time."

I just chuckle and finish setting up, then start recording and stand over by Tyler. I do my intro and we answer quite a few questions that Tyler picks out before I state that this next one will be the last one since we had been recording for twenty minutes.

"Hmmmm... in that case, I gotta find a really good one to end this off with," Tyler states as he scrolls through with his thumb. He holds his phone up where I can't see it then starts to smirk before putting his phone in his pocket.

"Oh no, that smirk's never good. What's the question?" I ask hesitantly since I know our fans can get a little 'weird', to say the least.

He puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him. "AngelOnWattpad wants to know when MiniCat is going to be a real thing!" As if being this close to him wasn't enough, I start to blush again. God, why does it have to be so easy for me to blush?!

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