Smiioz (Smii7y x KryozGaming)

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Requested by @Cookiepizzas

(WARNING: depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, that type of stuff.)

John POV

"Have you guys heard from Smitty recently?" I ask Mini and Wildcat via the Skype call soon after we all finished playing games and recording.

"It's been about... uhhhh..." Mini starts to answer and I'm assuming he is looking at his Skype history to find out how long it has been. "Exactly 2 weeks Smitty-less for me. How about you guys? He been gone for you too apparently?"

Tyler nods, his eyes scanning his computer screen as well. "Yeah, he hasn't messaged me or anything since then either."

"Same." I say, sighing out my words as I think about whether I should try messaging him or not. Then my eyes see one of the messages he sent me that I completely forgot about; 2 weeks ago he said he was planning on coming to visit. He had planned on the August 20th, which was yesterday. "Huh."

"What is it?" Craig asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I completely forgot he said he was gonna come here to California. He was supposed to come yesterday, but seeing as how he hasn't said anything for weeks..." I trail off, not really knowing what to say since I have no idea what could have possibly happened. He's known for disappearing here and there because of family matters and also depression, but he's never been gone this long.

Tyler leans back in his seat and shrugs. "I'm sure the kid's fine, John. Don't worry too much. Have you even tried talking to him?"

I shake my head. "No... I normally never message people first because I don't want to bother or annoy them. He always messages me first."

"Well, if you're not gonna message him, then I will." Wildcat states and clicks his mouse, I'm assuming the text bar to send Smitty something. Oh hell no! If anyone's gonna message him, it's gotta be me. I'm his best friend— how bad would it look if I wasn't the one who messaged him?

"I got it, I got it." I immediately start to insist. Craig and Tyler chuckle, but I just ignore it. I send him a simple text on my phone saying 'hey. you alright?'. "Okay, now I'm gonna go grab something to eat while I see if he replies."

Mini nods and gives me a small wave. "Alight, talk to ya later, bud."

"See ya." I say then end the call. I go into the kitchen and get a bowl of cereal, then come back to my desk and see a response from Smitty. Well... that didn't take long. Weird.

S: im in Cali

Clearly something is off here. He avoided the question, didn't say hi back, didn't capitalize his 'I', and didn't use an apostrophe. He always does that!

J: Cool. But are you alright? You haven't said anything for weeks. Where are you?
S: u really care?

I've answered this question for him many times when he's depressed, and it breaks my heart every time knowing that he doubts me. The fact that he doubts anyone possibly even liking or caring for him is awful.

J: Yes, of course I do! You know I do. Now where are you, Smitty?

It takes him awhile to answer back. He responds as soon as I was about to text him again, in fact.

S: do u remember where u took me @ night when I came 2 Cali for the 1st time?

I think for only a split second before I know exactly what he is talking about. There's this place that I love to go whenever I need to take a break from life and just observe everything and clear my mind. Whenever I'm worried about something, scared, mad, sad, whatever. It always makes me smile and helps me get back into a good frame of mind. It's a very high up bridge that used to go over a river, but the river is all dried up now. And you know what they still haven't put on it despite how much people have been saying they need to? Suicide fences to block people from jumping. They have small railing, yes, but those are so short you can just sit on them.

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