Smii7yLadd [Another]

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[A/N: I haven't posted in forever 'cause I've been super busy with school and writing other stories that I haven't posted (yet, hopefully). But seeing as how people seem to love Smii7yLadd— I mean seriously, the fact that the first part of my other Smii7yLadd oneshot has 580+ reads as I'm writing this blows my mind— I figured I'd write another one.
The golf course place in this oneshot, where it's going to start out at, is going to be based on the one in the vlog Mini posted called 'WILDCAT TENNESSEE ROADTRIP!!' However, there will be a few different people in this and whatnot. Enjoy!]

Smitty POV

"Holy shit it's dark in here!" Craig exclaims from beside me. "Well, I guess not all of it. The glow in the dark stuff is blinding, but there's no in between. I can barely see three feet in front of me..."

"Jeez, don't be such a whiny bitch, it's fine," Tyler says at the same time as Anthony calls him a pussy. They laugh and I barely catch Craig frown through the darkness.

"Don't worry, sweetheart," I quietly comfort him, knowing his secret fear of the dark. "Your eyes will adjust, just give it a couple seconds."

His hand finds mine and he tightly squeezes as he intertwines our fingers. "Sure, just... stand here with me for those seconds." I do as told and soon he nods. "Alright, I think I'm adjusted. You?"

I nod. "Yeah. Let's—"

"Hey, you two gonna just stand back there whispering to each other all day or what? There's bouncy slide things!" Marcel waves for us to come on and catch back up with the group, so we follow.

Mini gasps loudly when he sees what Marcel was telling us about. "Oh my god, hell yeah! C'mon, babe!" I laugh at his sudden attitude change and stumble as he pulls me along behind him.

"Jesus, you're gonna tear Smitty's arm out of it's socket, Mini," Scotty points out almost exactly what I was about to.

Him and the others laugh as Craig ignores him and pulls me over into the giant bouncy-slide with him. Craig lets go of my hand as he climbs up, yelling for us to join him.

"Don't you think it'll be a bit crammed up there if we go at the same time?" I rhetorically ask despite already climbing after him.

"Don't ask questions, Smitty, just get in your boyfriend's tight hole!" Tyler yells. I shake my head at his weirdness but am unable to keep a smile off my face when Craig yells for him to shut up.

I get up to the top where Craig's at and see him smirk at me. "Hey, babe. Get a workout climbing up here?" I didn't even notice my slight panting until he pointed it out just now with his amused comment.

I childishly stick my tongue out at him. "Shut up, it's hard climbing up those."

"Mhmm, suuure..." He chuckles and leans in close to me, which isn't very hard since we're already cramped together in this small space. I'm awful when it comes to teasing, so I can't help but close the space the rest of the way by kissing him.

Of course, that was all a part of his elaborate plan. He distracts me with that, then pushes me down the slide when I'm not expecting it. I clumsily roll down the slide backwards, rather than just sliding down it like you're supposed to since it's literally called a fucking 'slide', which causes everyone to erupt with laughter.

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