JackSeptiCry (JackSepticEye x Cryaotic)

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Jack POV

@ PAX West

Right towards the end of the panel with Mark, Wade, and Bob, I start to get a phone call. And of course it is right when everyone happened to be silent, so it rings loud enough for everyone to hear it. Way to go, Jack, reaaal professional having your ringer on during a panel. Who could be calling me right now, anyway?! They know I'm on a panel!

"Jack! What the hell man?" Mark exclaims but then starts smiling. "Answer your phone! Don't be any ruder than you're already being by hanging up on whoever it is. Answer it, right here, right now."

I sigh as the audience screams in agreement and pull out my phone. Cry?! Why is he calling me? Well, we were talking last night— like we do a lot— and he revealed his face to me. Plus he asked me out afterwards, which I clearly said yes to. We haven't told anyone yet, though.

"It's Cry." I announce, causing everyone to scream again. I put it on speaker next to my microphone so everyone can hear him. "Hey Cry, I'm on the panel right now, remember? Everyone can hear you right now."

"Yeah, I know." He replies simply, causing all of us on the panel to pull confused looks.

"HI CRY!" Mark yells even though he has a mic. "Whatcha talkin' about?"

"Oh, hey Mark! I just wanted to kinda interject here since it's towards the end of the panel, and I knew Jack would leave his ringer on."

I roll my eyes and groan. "Shut up."

He laughs the contagious laugh everyone loves, including me of course. "Soooo I told Jackaboy I had a surprise for him today and I feel like he might kinda know what's up if I say it is related to last night."

I think for a second, but then the impossible thought hits me. His face reveal? Does he want me to say that? He couldn't possibly be wanting me to say we are dating right now, so that must be what he is talking about. "Uhhh, well... we FaceTimed last night...?"

"Way to be kinda vague there, buddy." Cry says and I can picture him rolling his eyes now like I did just a second ago.

"Okay, are you wanting me to tell them you showed me your face last night or not?" I ask in an annoyed tone and the crowd gasps so Wade, Bob, and Mark dramatically mock them by gasping far too over-dramatically.

Cry chuckles. "Yep, that's what I'm talking about. Let's just say... I may or may not be dressed up as Mad!Cry and I also may or may not be backstage right now." Insert more fans screaming here, especially the fangirls.

"Wait, what?! On MY panel?" Mark questions, his eyes widened just like mine with surprise and excitement.

"Hell yeah, dude. Prepare for even more screaming, 'cause I also have an announcement to make." Then he hangs up so I put my phone in my pocket. Then we look to where we entered the stage from and see Cry walk on stage in a red hoodie labeled 'MAD', a Mad!Cry mask that covers his whole face except his mouth, and jeans that are fake bloody. Of course he was correct because everyone starts screaming. It's weird how often they do that, but then again that is very ironic for me to be the one saying that.

He cups the mic and looks out at the audience. "Hello everyone." He says in his deep, low, sexy as all hell voice. When everyone continues to scream, he takes his hands away from his mouth and is now smiling. "Holy shit, that's a lot of people. Good job, Marky-Mark." He sits down beside me and smiles over at me. He has red contacts in, covering up his regularly bright blue eyes.

"So, believe it or not, I'm not done with announcements. Well, actually, I kinda am." Cry continues and places a hand on my upper thigh-to-knee area. "Sean, you wanna announce the other thing?"

"This isn't another proposal, is it?" Wade jokes and Bob laughs.

"Yeah, this panel has been filled with surprises and craziness." Bob adds and I glance over at Mark. He's looking back and forth between Cry and I, trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

Mark holds a finger up, signaling for us to stop. "Wait, wait, wait. I can figure this out." He stares at us for a bit longer, then smugly leans back in his seat and crosses his arms like he's figured out. By the way he's acting, however, it's obvious he doesn't actually have it. "I know! I bet Jack's pregnant. You got pregnant, didn't you?"

We all laugh as I shake my head. "No, believe it or not, I am not, and cannot get, pregnant. But, uh, it's kinda along the liens of what Wade said. Just less intense, if that makes sense. God, I'm not good at explaining things when I'm nervous. Okay. Anyway. Yeah."

"...What?" Bob asks after a couple seconds, the exact thing I could tell everyone was thinking.

"Yeah, that was a very bad explanation, babe." Cry says, only noticing a split second later what he just said. "Shit! Ignore what I just called him, take it back, I just spoiled it!" I laugh while everyone puts it together in there heads.

Before anyone else can say it out loud, I finally get it out. "Cry and I are dating!" There's cheering and applause while the three of my friends have shocked expressions.

"Wait, really?! Holy shit, congrats guys. SEPTIPLIER HAS FINALLY SUNK!" Mark yells, throwing his arms up in the air.

"I'm sure Pewds's heart is crushed." I joke, putting my hands into a heart shape and then taking them apart.

Suddenly there are people chanting 'kiss! kiss! kiss!', and Mark quickly joins in while waving his arms to signal people to keep doing it.


Hearing the crowd and Mark chanting 'kiss' over and over to me and Jack, I look over at him with a smirk on my face. He looks back at me with an adorable shy smile on his face.

"Gotta do it for the fans, right?" Jack says the moves his mic away from his mouth in preparation, causing me to chuckle.

"I mean, yeah, of course." I look out to the audience. "You're all fuckin' perverts, just remember that." Then I move my mic, take off my mask, put my arm around Jack, and open-mouth kiss him. We hear people cheer, let out 'aww's, clap, and take pictures.

When I pull away and we both fix our mics, Jack's face is pink from blushing. Mark laughs so Jack glares at him and flips him off, then wrapping his arms around my torso and hiding his face using my chest. Of course more pictures are taken now, but I think the majority of people are just recording it.

"Fuck you, Mark." Sean says but the audio of his microphone comes out kinda muffled since he's using my chest as a pillow.

"Woah, Cry is the one you're supposed to be fucking." Mark retorts and I can't help but laugh even though I predicted he would say something like that. I bet Jack's face is sooo red now. Too bad he's hiding it; the imagery alone is priceless.

I look down at him and smile, kissing the top of his head. "C'mon, your face is too handsome to be hiding."

He sits back up and sighs. "Curse you and your amazing pick-up line."

"That 'line' isn't the only thing that I have that is four letters long and amazing." I wink at him and he rolls his eyes while everyone else goes 'ooooh'.

"You're all nasty." Sean replies, pointing to the audience. "It could be his hair, it could be his face, it could be his—"

"It could be his dick." Mark cuts him off, saying exactly what everyone knew I meant but Jack just didn't want to say it.

"Screw you." Jack says and crosses his arms in defeat.

"No!" Mark exclaims in a high pitched voice and is about to say the same thing he did a second ago when Jack said 'fuck you'.

I beat him to it, though, and wrap my arms around Jack. "I think you mean screw me."

Jack is silent for a bit before glancing over at me. "...Maybe."

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