H2Ohm (H2ODelirious x Ohmwrecker)

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(A/N: This is for @Zoeylou10 ! You've given me so much support it is ridiculous! I hope you enjoy this extra long H2Ohm oneshot, featuring SeaChaos :D also holy shit I didn't expect to end up making it this long but I love it)

Ryan POV

"Guys, c'mon! You should all totally come! It wouldn't be nearly as amazing of a party if we were missing people..." Evan says through Skype, referring to me and Delirious since we are the only ones who haven't said yes yet to going to Tyler's party. "I mean, I understand you guys still haven't ever showed your faces, but... we all really want you guys to come."

"Yeah! Don't be pussies. We promise not to post any pictures with your faces or anything in it that you don't want us to." Tyler agrees as he leans forward in his seat. Everyone has their facecams on, except for Jon and I of course.

Luke (CaRtOoNz) groans in frustration. "JONATHAN."

Delirious lets out a small yelp from not expecting the sudden yell of his name coming from Luke. We also hear some unknown items fall over, causing some of us to chuckle. "Jesus Christ! What?!"

"If you don't agree to going, I'm going to walk right over to your house tomorrow when I'm leaving and force your ass to come with me."

"Oh really? And how do you plan on doing that? You might be tall as fuck, but I'm way stronger than you, dude!"

"Not my fault I'm tall, Mr. Muscles!"

CaRtOoNz and Delirious go back and forth for a while, getting completely side tracked by talking about who would win in a fight rather than trying to persuade Delirious to go to the party.

"Okay, if you two are just going to keep going at it, I may as well try to get us back on track by slipping in real quick that I'm going to the party." I say casually and without even thinking about it. Everyone goes silent and everyone with facecams on has surprised expressions.

"Wait, really?!" Tyler questions excitedly.

I nod even though they can't see it. "Yeah, guess so. Those are the words I just said. Besides, I only live one state away from you. Why not?"

Why not?! Did I really just say that?! There are so many reasons as to why not! Why the hell can't I keep my stupid mouth shut? Of course I want to see my friends and hang out with them in person for once, but there's going to be a lot of people there. I'm not good with people in-person, let alone that many people. They're probably gonna think I'm a freak once they meet me in person... Won't make eye contact, always wearing a baggy gray hoodie and jeans plus boots to try and cover up myself, typically having earbuds in to listen to music and drown out the real world, and brown hair and blue eyes which makes me even more basic and unneeded in this world. One of the only things that makes me not a basic bitch is that I'm a short-for-a-full-grown-man height of 5'8". Plus I space out all the time when I don't have my attention grabbed by things like video games! Video games, along with music, are my escape from the real world. I'm sure they'll be surprised to find out how actually shy and untalkative I am in person. I'm like a completely different person when playing games with them, because no one sees the real me so I feel completely different too.

"Well if Ryan's going, then I'm going." Delirious finally agrees, quite shockingly easily actually. All I had to do was say I'm going and he agreed, meanwhile he was fighting CaRtOoNz on it for what felt like ages. CaRtOoNz is like a brother to him, so that technically makes me his best friend. That's how he described it before, anyway, and it's why he's the only one who typically calls me by my real name. But it is still weird that I'd be able to influence him and not Luke.

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