MiniOhm (MiniLadd x Ohmwrecker)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by @ElliotJones230813 ❤️! *updated to remove the long A/N that was here before*)

Ryan (Ohm) POV

"Oh Ryan!" I hear my lovely husband's voice call out for me through my headphones as him and I play some Prop Hunt with our friends Vanoss, Wildcat, and Delirious. I'm currently on the hiding team with Tyler and Evan while Delirious and Craig are searching for us.

"Yeeeees, Craig?" I ask as I see his character appear in the room I'm in and start searching it.

Delirious speaks instead, though. "Y'all better start giving us hints 'cause there's only two of us and three of you." Sounds fair enough to me, especially since there's only two minutes left, they've only killed Tyler, and I'm in a kind of cheatsy spot.

"Hang on, I'll give you some hints since I'm fucking dead— thanks a lot for that by the way, Evan!" Wildcat exclaims as Vanoss laughs. Tyler had been trying for multiple rounds to get into a potted plant as a water bottle, and as soon as he successfully made it, Evan knocked him out of it and got him killed by Craig's nuke tube.

I can tell Tyler hasn't spectated me yet since he hasn't said anything about my spot, and luckily he starts selling out Evan to get him killed rather than spectating and giving them hints about me. Craig leaves the room I'm in to go hunt Evan down with Delirious, buying me more time to live.

"WHAT THE FUCK, WILDCAT?! I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO— NOOOOO!" Vanoss screams then it appears in the kill feed that Delirious got him with a shotgun. We all laugh as Tyler starts to yell at him about how that's what he gets for being as asshole.

Soon Craig enters my room again and Delirious asks where I'm at. "Ummmm, well, he's..." Evan starts to try to give a hint but trails off. "I don't even know how the hell he got there. How did you do that, Ohm?!" I laugh, knowing it's not actually as cheatsy as it looks. It looks like I'm part of the wall, but I am actually just a can that tried to hide behind some boxes but somehow got pushed into the wall.

"Okay, I'm sorry to break it to ya, Mini, but you're married to a cheater," Tyler states before quickly correcting himself. "In Prop Hunt, I mean. Bad choice of words there, my bad."

I chuckle and roll my eyes even though none of them can see it. "I'm not cheating on purpose! The game just decided to force me to have a really good spot."

"Uh-huh, suuuure," Craig responds while laughing adorably. "If it's so good— and cheatsy— at least tell us what room you're in." Delirious agrees and I see Craig's character leave the room.

"Alright, fair enough. Babe, come back to the room you were just in. I'm in there."

Craig walks back in and starts looking again. "What, in here? There's no way you're here, I've checked everywhere!" Delirious shows up a couple seconds later and stands guard in the doorway since there is no actual door to close.

I assure them that I'm in here but soon Craig's character stops in the middle of the room and I think I hear his office room door open in real life and over Skype. I take my headset off one of my ears and look at his non-moving character on my screen in confusion.

"Babe?" I say at the same time as Evan calls out to him using his real name. Right after, I hear my office door open so I quickly turn around. Of course it's Craig, but now he's the one cheating, and doing it on purpose!


I quickly cut him off by walking over to him and covering his mouth. "Don't listen to him, he's a liar and a cheater!" I can still hear the others laughing since I have a wireless headset, and I can't help but laugh too.

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