Septiplier (JackSepticEye x Markiplier)

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Mark POV

"And I'll see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" Jack's voice screams through my speakers as I finish watching his newest video. I figured I'd watch his most recent videos to catch up on what he has been playing so that we have some more things to talk about once he gets here.

Yep, my baby little Jackaboy is finally coming to visit America again! I still feel anxious about what I've been planning to do. It's Christmas time again, meaning we've been dating for 2 years now. Today is the exact marker, actually. We only told the fans a couple days ago, though, and they're still going crazy over it. But now I feel like we're ready to take the next step. I plan on surprising him— and everyone— by giving him one of his Christmas gifts tonight. It's only Christmas Eve, which means he'll definitely be suspicious as soon as I start talking about it. Which is why I haven't told anyone so that I can keep it secret! I'm sure you've figured out by now what this special gift is and why I want to give it to him ASAP. I'm going to propose to him on the livestream tonight. Seeing as how no one knows about it except for me, I'm just gonna have to pray that I can find an opportunity to do it. I'm typically not good at hiding my feelings, though, and Jack knows me better than anyone. Hopefully I can keep it a secret.

Oh! Look at the time! I gotta go pick up the light of my life at the airport. I check myself in the mirror real quick, running my fingers through my floofy hair, brushing off my red and black flannel and jeans, then tying my high tops before heading out to pick up Jack.

Sean POV

Of course of all the days it could have rained in L.A, it had to be the day I arrive here. Did I just bring Ireland's weather with me or something?! This is bullshit. I don't even have a jacket on— just a gray, long sleeved shirt that says Berlin— so my hair and everything is getting super wet while I stand on the curb and wait for Mark, and the holes in my black skinny jeans are clearly not helping. At least I looked amazing before I got soaking wet.

I see Mark's car as he pulls up to the curb. Since I only have one bag of luggage, I put it in the back and hop into the passenger seat before Mark can even get out and try to help me like the gentleman he is.

"Hi, Mark. It's a bit wet."

His eyes are widened and his jaw is dropped as he looks me up and down. "What the hell?! You shoulda just stayed where it was dry then I coulda brought an umbrella to you so you wouldn't get soaking wet; now you might get sick!"

I smile at his regular caring and concerned self and shake my head. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." I look down  at the seat I'm sitting in, which is now wet as well. "Sorry about getting the inside of your car wet."

"Stop apologizing, you know it's perfectly fine. It's just water. The car doesn't matter nearly as much as you do." Mark reaches over and lifts my head back up and places a hand on my cheek. He flashes me a smile before leaning in and kissing me. It only lasts for a couple seconds since his phone starts going off. He pulls away with a groan, then picks it up and looks at the Caller ID before answering. "God damn it, Ethan. What is it?"

It's silent for a couple seconds as he listens to Ethan say whatever it is he is talking about it. I listen to the one side of the conversation I can hear, although it doesn't help me decipher what Ethan called for. "So?" Insert an annoyed sigh here as Mark uses his other hand that isn't holding his phone to rub his eyes in further annoyance. "How is that my fault?! ...Shut up, that's not what was— ugh! Just-Just wait a bit, would you? We'll be there in a bit. A-huh. Yes! Did you forget I had to pick up Jack?! God damn. Okay, fine, that's okay. NO. NO. ETHAN. BAD ETHAN. Oh my god shut up I'm done with you." Mark hangs up on him and I laugh at what I could hear, even though I have no idea what was happening.

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