BrOhm (Bryce McQuaid x Ohmwrecker)

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(A/N: This was requested by Metallicana-scale! Thank you for your request and patience, love 💓 )

Bryce POV

A couple days ago, Ohm, CaRtOoNz, and I were in a Skype call and Luke asked if we wanted to come visit him this weekend. I normally always check the weather before agreeing to any sort of plans, because of my huge fear of lightning storms, but when Ryan said he would go, I immediately agreed to going also. I mean, how could I possibly turn down an entire weekend of hanging out with my crush in person?

So, Ryan and I made reservations for us to stay in a hotel room together not too far from CaRtOoNs's house. Luke tried to convince us that it wasn't necessary and we could stay at his place, but he obviously couldn't beat both of us insisting that we didn't want to intrude. At that point, the plans were starting to sound better and better, seeing as how I'd get to share a room with Ohm.

I was right to think that it would be awesome hanging out with them, of course. We all hung out at Luke's place for a while, played some video games, then went to the arcade, played some laser tag, and all that other fun mall stuff. Now it's about 11 at night and we're all feeling tired, so Luke is dropping Ohm and I off at our hotel on his way back home.

As we say goodbye to Luke and get out of the car, I look up at the night sky. I expect to see the shining stars and bright moon, but I can't. There must be clouds in the way...

Worry must have shown on my face, because when Luke drives away, Ohm follows my gaze. "I think it's supposed to storm tonight. Don't worry, though, it should stop by tomorrow so we can still do stuff. C'mon, let's go." Yeah, clearly he doesn't know what I'm really worried about.

I just nod and follow him inside, figuring I can (hopefully) sleep through it since I'm so tired from being jet-lagged. When we get to our room, I immediately try to go to sleep while Ryan decides to take a quick shower first. I fall asleep for a couple minutes, but am shortly awoken by a loud clap of thunder.

I quickly sit up in bed and look over to the window, but as soon as I do the thunder is followed up by an extremely close lightning strike. I'm unable to hold back a scream as I fall off the bed with a thud.

Ryan POV

"What the...?" I turn off the water and step out of the shower, listening carefully as I dry off my legs to put my boxer briefs on. "Bryce?" I could've sworn I just heard—

There's another crash of thunder and soon after I hear another thud, followed by a crying whimper. Not bothering to dry off anymore, I rush out of the bathroom and look to the bed Bryce was sleeping in. The bed's empty, aside from a mess of blankets. My eyes dart to the left to find Bryce hugging his knees to his chest, which he's using to hide his face as he sits in the corner shaking. It's obvious the scream and crying came from him.

"Bryce, what's wrong?" I subconsciously talk in a soft, concerned voice, as if talking any louder would break him because of how fragile he looks right now. I crouch down by him and try to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but he flinches away when a flash of lightning temporarily lights up the room soon after. At first I feel my heart break, thinking he was flinching away from me, but then it clicks in my head that it's the lightning he's so terrified of.

I look over to the window, seeing the curtains are wide open. I look back at Bryce and tilt my head down a bit, trying to find his eyes even though it's impossible with the way he's hiding his face right now. "Do you want me to close the blinds and curtains? Would that help?"

He barely moves his head, but it's just enough for me to be able to register that it was a nod. I stand up and go to the window and close them, then go back over to Bryce and sit against the wall next to him. "I don't think the storm's supposed to be over until a couple hours or so, but I'm always here for you... you know, if you want."

Without saying anything, Bryce wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my chest, his eye squeezed shut like I suspect they have been this whole time. I carefully wrap my arms around him as well, and I find myself protectively pulling him further against me whenever more lightning comes. Luckily he doesn't seem to care that I'm practically naked and my upper half is still wet from the shower, then again, that seems to be the least of his worries right now.

"Talk," Bryce quietly says, breaking me out of my thoughts of how to comfort and distract him from what's happening outside.

"What?" I ask, wondering if he knew what I was thinking about.

"Talk, about anything. Your voice always soothes me."

I can't help but smile at his words. My voice really soothes him? "Oh, uh, okay..."

So I do what he says, and end up talking to him for hours about, well, everything. He occasionally flinches from lightning or runs his hands along my skin, letting me know he's still awake and listening. Every now and then he has some small commentary, whether I'm talking about friends, family, myself, childhood, hobbies, moments with him, whatever. It seems to be soothing and helpful for both of us, actually, since it lets me get a lot of things off my chest. I end up telling him things I haven't told anyone before, and he seems to recognize just how important this is to me too. If he wasn't already the person who knew the most about me, he definitely is now. And I'm completely fine with that. I feel like I can tell him anything, so I do.

After about three hours, the storm finally stops. I look at the alarm clock. 2:21 A.M. shines in bright text.

I look back down at Bryce in my arms. "We should probably get some sleep, don'tcha think?"

Bryce nods, but doesn't move otherwise. His eyes are shut, not squeezed shut like before, though. "Probably, yeah."

I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair. "C'mon, I'm not gonna let you sleep on the floor."

"I'm not sleeping on the floor, I'm sleeping on you," he mumbles and I can feel him smile against my chest.

"On the floor," I add on to his sentence. There's a pause of silence and, seeing no sign of Bryce moving on his own any time soon, I roll my eyes. "Fine, you can sleep on me. But it has to be in a bed where it's comfortable for me, too." Bryce groans but agrees, so I stand up, pick him up, then carry him back over to his bed. I fix the covers, which must have gotten messed up and slightly dragged off the bed from him falling off of it earlier, then get under them with him.

I laugh as he lays completely on top of me; looks like he really did mean he wanted to sleep on me. Don't know exactly what else I expected. Now that the storm is done and he is even more tired than before, it doesn't take long for him to start falling asleep.

"Thanks, Ryan. I've never been able to have someone help me during a storm as easily as you were able to," Bryce sleepily states.

"No problem. If it's ever storming and you need me to talk to you for hours on end again, don't be afraid to call me. I'll gladly be up for it."

"Okay, I will." There's another pause of silence, and just when I thought Bryce had fallen asleep, he speaks up one more time. It's so soft that I barely even hear it.

"I love you, Ryan." I have a moment of surprise, but not a single moment of hesitation.

"I love you too, Bryce."

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