PewDieCry (PewDiePie x Cryaotic)

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(A/N: Let me just apologize right now for why it took me so long to get another thing out. This has actually been finished for a while now, but it never published for some reason, even though I hit the publish button and I could have sworn it said I published. But the good side of it is that now I got to go over it and make a few changes in it that make it a bit better!)

Ryan/Cry POV

"Jeez, Cry! Late to another recording session, I see." Minx teases as I click into the Skype call and boot up Assassin's Creed 4 Multiplayer.

"You're lucky Felix is having issues with the game since he's staying over there, otherwise we would've already been playing by now, mister." Mark pretends to scold me, jokingly waggling his finger at his facecam. He and Felix are the only ones with them on right now, seeing as how Minx, Ohm, and I don't use them on videos. And what he meant by 'staying over there' is because Pewds is in Florida.

"Sleep in late again?" Ohm asks as I fiddle with my own camera. I'm not even recording this and we're all pretty close, so I figured they ought to see me. Especially Felix, since we were planning on hanging out in person soon anyway which is why he's currently in Florida. I know I can trust them all, especially since Ohm also has his own similar no-face-reveal issues and Minx used to.

I contemplate all the ways this could go bad as I look down at myself. They wouldn't judge me, right? My messy brown hair, blue eyes, glasses, black tank top with a white skull on it, and averagely muscular upper body is all they'll be able to see, so I think the only thing they'd possibly judge me on is my tattoos, but I know they think tattoos are cool so I'm sure it'll be fine. After all, I'm certainly not bad looking, I don't think, even though I don't care about how people look... did that first part sound a bit douchey? Oh well. I'm sure they'll be cool about it, but—

Suddenly I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Felix's voice yelling through my headset. "CRYYYYY!!!"

I jump and feel my face start to burn in embarrassment. "S-Sorry, what?" They all chuckle before Pewds explains.

"I asked what's wrong because you didn't answer Ohm's question. Obviously you just spaced out again, though." Yeah, I'm pretty known for doing that at this point.

I nod and finally finish hooking up the camera and hover the mouse over the button that turns it on before finally pressing it a couple seconds later. I smile reassuringly at it now that they can see me. "Yeah, I'm fine!" They all simultaneously freak out, Mark and Felix eventually purposefully over-doing it by screaming at the top of their lungs which causes us all to devolve to laughter.

Once everyone's relatively calmed down, Minx's voice comes through. "Oh my god, I can't believe you just did that. Let alone so casually and cool like that!" Okay, cool, they're not saying anything bad. That's good. Not bad is good.

I roll my eyes and cockily lean back in my chair, putting my hands behind my head as I do so. "Yeah? Well, I am pretty cool. Mr. Smooth Guy over here. Best of the be—" I cut myself off with my own little scream when I lean back too far in my seat, causing it, along with me, to fall backwards onto the floor. They all erupt with laughter again, even as I groan in pain. I even hear my brother Nathan, who was just chillin' on my bed— out of camera view— quietly laugh at my utter failure. I'll have to admit, that was way too perfect of comedic timing. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt, though.

"Oh my god! Cry, are you okay?" Felix exclaims with what I can tell is genuine worry enough though he still can't help but smile.

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