BasicallyIDoVanoss (BasicallyIDoWrk x Vanoss)

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(A/N: It's almost Christmas time, my dudes. We all know it takes a Christmas miracle for me to get time to write nowadays. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, and even if it's not Christmas when you're reading this, here's a Christmas oneshot with a bit over 3000 words as my gift to you. Yep, it's a Christmas Eve/Christmas party!)

Marcel POV

I give a small wave to the Uber driver as he drives away, then pull out my phone to check the time. 9 PM on the dot. Exactly an hour late. Wonderful. At least the others didn't seem to mind too much, since I warned them beforehand about being delayed. I still feel bad about being late, even though I know it's not my fault. I mean, how could I have predicted that my Uber was going to rear end some sassy old black lady who apparently has nothing better to do than yell for an hour on Christmas Eve night?

I admire the hugeness of the house as I walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell. While I wait I give myself a quick once over by using my reflection in the door's window. Looking good, if I do say so myself! Especially with this Wrk! snapback I have on... wink wink.

The music volume turns down some as the door is opened to reveal just the man my heart has been so excited to see, against my brain's seemingly better judgement.

"Evan," I say and greet him with a small nod.

He steps out of the doorway to let me in, then shuts the door behind me. The smirk that appears on his face as he checks me out causes butterflies in my stomach. "Marcel. Or should I call you BasicallyIDoWrk to help you with your self-promotion?"

I roll my eyes but grin at his joke. So far so good. "Ha ha, very funny. Sorry that my merchandise is so comfy and awesome looking."

"Is that so?" Evan swiftly grabs the hat off of my head before I can stop him and puts it on his own. He nods in approval. "You right, you right. This is pretty comfy. Maybe I should steal it."

"Or maybe you could buy your own." I reach up to try and take it back, but he stops me by grabbing my wrist. Oh boy.

"Hmmm... nah, I really like this specific one." I reach up with my other hand this time, but he grabs that wrist as well. He smiles down at me, clearly amused by my failed attempts to stop him. "That all ya got? Come on, you could've at least jumped for it or something."

I scoff. "You're not that much taller than me, Evan. I can reach it just fine."

Evan glances at my wrists that he holds in the air before tilting his head at me. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, John Cena, I'm positive that—"

"MERRY ALMOST CHRI— Woah, my bad! Are we interrupting something here? 'Cause this looks... kinky." Evan and I look at each other with wide eyes before quickly turning our heads to look at who walked in. Craig and Tyler stand in the large doorway that leads to the living room, where I'm sure people are jamming out, judging from the music that has returned to its original, loud volume.

Craig nods in agreement. "Yeah, I actually agree with Tyler for once. This is weird."

Tyler looks at him in confusion. "That's not the word I used, but... thanks? I guess?"

Evan lets go of my arms and takes a step back from me, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Uhh, no, you guys are fine. We were just messing around." Mini lets out an unconvinced hum as he crosses his arms and gives me a questioning look. He's one of the few people that knows about what happened between Evan and I.

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