H2O Vanoss (H2O Delirious x Vanoss)

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This is for TrashyCreep ! Hearts and claps all around for the first person to send in a request! Go read their stuff too!

Evan POV

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my fucking god. Did that just happen?! Tell me that just happened. I better not just be dreaming, because this is too good to be true! Okay, Evan, calm down. It's no big deal. All you did was just see your best friend and crush's face for the first time ever. Right... No biggie... OH MY GOD, WHO AM I KIDDING?! THIS IS A BIG DEAL! I still am having trouble wrapping my mind around the video I just watched, Jonathan's (or Delirious's) face reveal video. And it wasn't a troll this time, like the video he did before with his GTA character. I was so taken away but his amazing looks— his bedhead styled brown hair, his sparkling hot chocolate colored light brown eyes, his couple of freckles, every damn thing— to really hear most of what he said. It was a short video, yeah, but he even tagged me and a bunch of the other members of the Vanoss Crew to watch it. It seemed out of no where... Maybe he explained in the video and I just didn't hear it.

I click on the button in the middle of the video to replay the video, this time only listening to his voice and looking down at my hands that are folded in my lap. "Hey, Delirious here. I know, this definitely isn't a normal video. Yes, this is an actual face reveal for once." He lets out an adorable chuckle, a nervous one I could describe it as even. "I know my friends are gonna see this, and my subscribers, and it might even spread pretty quickly, but I have actually been thinking about this for a while. You might wonder: why is he doing this out of the blue? Well, I've been thinking a lot about wanting to move closer to my friends in Los Angeles so I could actually see and hang out with them in person, plus I wanna go to conventions and whatnot to get to meet you guys! This has been on my mind a long time, so it probably seems outta nowhere for you guys but it doesn't seem like it to me. Another reason is that... There's a person I've grown to have stronger feelings for... And it's gotten to the point where I can no longer live without ever being able to see them in person."

He trails off for a bit, staying silent. I look up at my screen and he is just staring at the camera, seeming lost in thought as his beautiful eyes seem to stare right into me. It makes me feel like there is a small shine of hope that that person could be me. Finally he snaps out of it and clears his throat. "Sorry, sorry. What was I saying?" Jonathan shakes his head at himself, laughing that laugh that fills me with so much happiness. "Alright, anyway, whatever. So! This is me, and this is what I really look like. Don't know if I plan on putting up any video game footage with facecam or anything, but I might start vlogging...? This is all I really had planned so far, to post this video and wait for reactions. I might be going and visiting Los Angeles soon. Never mind, let's be honest here: I'm gonna be on a plane on my way there when this video goes up! So... Yay! Alright, awkward outro." Jon waves to the camera, saying 'see ya later', then the video ends.

Of course, I return back to freaking out mode. Not just freaking out mode, but happily freaking out mode. I quickly go to the comments, not bothering to read any of them but to leave my own. Even though I could text him this instead, I'm to excited to realize that so I just comment it: 'DUDE. You can totally come stay at my place! It'll be awesome, I promise. And I can show you around! Hope to see you soon, bro. (Btw, your looks could get you on the cover of a porn magazine. HOT! Haha!) -Ev'. Not even reading over or thinking about what I put, I immediately hit enter and it goes into the comments for everyone to see. Wait, why the hell did I have to add in the part in parentheses?! God, I'm such an embarrassing idiot. Welp, too late now. Plus, it's the truth! He's hot. I can't decide if I want him to take it as a joke or not, since I added the 'haha' afterwords.

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