VanLadd (Vanoss x MiniLadd)

616 11 4

[A/N: SMUT WARNING for this oneshot (it's not all smut, but I figured I'd leave the warning here since most of it is)! Vanoss: Top. Mini: Bottom. As requested by @CherryBlossm112 ! Thanks for reading and commenting!
—Much love, Ryan.]

Craig POV

"AAAAALLLLLRRRIIIGGGHHHTTT!" Evan yells from the top of the stairs. "Who's ready to see me ride down these stairs?! Someone better record this shit!"

Tyler, Scotty, Marcel, Anthony (Panda), and Smitty have all come to visit my boyfriend Evan and I at our house that we recently moved into together as a sort of house warming party, and, needless to say, it's amazing. We've all been drinking, but if it wasn't already obvious, Evan's the drunkest of us all.

"Oh, don't worry, Evan," Tyler says as he pulls out his phone and starts recording. "I've got this on lock down!"

"Are we sure this is the best idea?" Smitty asks from behind Evan, looking skeptically at the trash can lid Evan is sitting on. Smitty is up there to give him a shove down the stairs, but the rest of us have a view from the ground floor he's about to come flying down to.

"Hell yeah it is!" Marcel exclaims. "Push him!"

"You better not hurt yourself, Ev."

"It'll be fiiiiine," Evan reassures me. "Now push me, Smitty! FOR TEAM CANADA!!!"

Smitty gives Evan a start down the stairs by lightly pushing him, but thanks to gravity and the steepness of the linoleum stairs, Evan gains speed fast. He yells the whole way down and our friends drunkenly cheer him on as he somehow manages to get down the whole staircase without letting go of or falling off of the trash can lid underneath him. However, because of his speed and the floor being slick linoleum just like the stairs, he keeps sliding for a bit when he gets to the bottom and slams into the wall.

"Holy shit!" Anthony takes the words right from all of our mouths, then begins laughing his ass off. Marcel, Scotty, Tyler, and Smitty all join in on the laughter, and Tyler starts happily rambling about how he got all that on camera.

I can't help but laugh a bit as well, but after a couple seconds my extremely-caring-boyfriend instincts kick in. I rush over to Evan, who lays on the floor a few feet away from the trash can lid he once rode on. The wall he ran in to has a hole busted in it, but that's the least of my worries right now.

"Evan?" I ask, feeling like I've managed to sober up within just a few seconds as a sense of serious dread comes over me.

Evan groans and rolls over onto his back. He forms a thumbs-up signal with his hand and raises it into the air for everyone to see. "I'm okay!" Everyone cheers, and Marcel calls dibs on riding down next.

~Later That Night~

Once a few more hours went by, people started sobering up and settling down a bit, and we all decided do call it a night. A good thing, too, since I really didn't want to have to deal with any more broken things, messes, or potential injuries.

The guys are all spread out around the house, some sleeping in the guest bedrooms and others on the living room couches. Lucky for Evan and I, our bedroom is a safe-seeming distance from those rooms; that means we shouldn't have to worry about anyone hearing us.

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