Vanii7y (Vanoss x Smii7y)

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(A/N: Part 2 of the MiniCat oneshot right before this one, so they will be featured in it as a couple but it will be more focused on this ship instead. Sorry if you don't like that I did these this way, I just wanted to try it and switch things up a bit. Okay, anyway, on with the oneshot!)

—This Oneshot Does Not Have Full On Sex, But It Gets Close And Talks About It, So Read With Plenty Of Dirty Imagination ;)—

Smitty POV

"Shut up, Marcel, you're just making assumptions," I glare at him on my screen and cross my arms, hoping that is enough to make them ignore the blush on my face that is making it far too obvious that he's correct.

Obviously it wasn't enough.

Marcel laughs. "Oh my god, you're blushing and getting all defensive! You're such a bad liar!"

"I-I'm not getting defensive, I'm just pointing out that you're thinking dumb stuff that isn't true! And I'm blushing because I know what you're thinking and it's ridiculous."

"I'm so fucking confused," Nogla states.

"Same," Craig and Tyler say simultaneously.

Marcel continues to have a smug smirk on his face. I feel like the fact that he's being so smug and feeling way too proud of himself is what is making me annoyed the most, really. "EVAN AND SMITTY ARE TOTALLY DATING!"

"Shut up!" I exclaim, my blush just getting worse. It's total bullshit that he is saying this anyway, since it is just on assumption like I said. His assumptions just so happen to be correct, somehow.

"Woah, what? Really?" Tyler asks excitedly, seemingly very interested in the situation at hand.

"Yes, really!" Marcel insists and I just groan in annoyance.

Craig seems to be trying to decide what is real, rather than just assuming Marcel is telling the truth like Tyler seems to be, so he of course tries to take the logical route. "Alright, alright, chill out. Marcel, what is your proof of them dating?"

Marcel's smile drops a bit as tries to think of any sort of proof. "Uhhh... well... he's gay, Evan's pan, Evan said he's visiting someone in Canada right in the area Smitty lives in, and there's no way that's just a coincidence. Plus, Smitty gets all defensive and starts blushing any time I mention it!"

I roll my eyes. "Toronto is a hugely popular place in Canada, so yes, it could be just a coincidence."

"He's getting defensive again!" Nogla points out and Marcel laughs in victory of getting Nogla on his side.

"And he said 'could be' rather than saying it is," Tyler adds with a smirk. He's a wild card because he just loves drama, so I can't decide if he is actually on Marcel's side still or not. Either way, Marcel takes it as another victory by fist pumping.

Mini shrugs and seems to be the only person 100% on my side. "Smitty's right, Marcel's just making assumptions. And I can see why Smitty would be blushing and getting defensive over accusation like that, especially with how persistent and pushy you're being with it."

I smile and nod. "Thanks, Mini. At least someone here makes sense!"

"Oh yeah? Then why would—" Marcel starts to fire up again but cuts himself off when there's a knock at my office/bedroom door. Must be Evan. Perfect timing, am I right? Marcel starts to smirk again. "Don't you live alone, Smitty? I wonder who that could be!"

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