Smii7yLadd (Smii7y x Mini Ladd) Part 1 of 2

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(A/N: I personally do know what Smitty looks like, but for this I will make him look differently than he does IRL. The picture selected is which shirt he will be wearing though lmao. P.S: this one's gonna be a longer one as you can tell from the title saying it'll be in 2 parts.)

Craig POV

"So, who all is going to PAX East in Boston? I am." Marcel asks the Skype call. Evan and Tyler both say they are at the same time, Tyler also adding on that he knows Anthony (BigJigglyPanda), Scotty (FourZeroSeven), and John (KryozGaming) are also going although they aren't in the call. Nogla adds that he is going, once the others are done speaking.

"I'm going, too. And so is Sp00n, by the way." I answer, then look at Smitty's milk bag contact picture since he is the only one of us in the call who doesn't show his face. "I'm assuming you aren't going, Smitty? Since, ya know, Canada, not showing your face, not being able to drive, still being 18, and all that." (A/N: I know Smitty is 19 as I am currently writing this, but when he went to PAX East this year he was still 18.)

There's silence for a bit, but he soon speaks up. "I'm going... I told my mom that I'm rooming with Scotty and always sticking with someone so she would let me go." He mumbles the last part and I wish I could picture him awkwardly looking down at his lap as he mumbled. If only I knew what he looked like so I could. But I guess I'll know soon!

"Dude, just room with me since Scotty has his girlfriend with him! Besides, everyone can use a little company, and I have the hotel room by myself. You and I can hang out during PAX too, obviously." I speak without even thinking. God, do I sound desperate? Hopefully they will all just take it as a friendly gesture.

I can hear the smile through his voice when he responds. "Really? You sure I won't be a bother?"

I roll my eyes, knowing very well he can see me do it despite me not being able to see him in return. "Of course not, man! Besides, I've always wanted to know want you look like and hang out with you in person." I mentally face palm at myself for saying too much, but luckily he just laughs and agrees to stay with me.

"Canadian brethren! You should let me know what part of Canada you live in so if we live close we can get on the same plane." Evan exclaims.

"Really? What do you think the odds are of you two living close enough to go to the same airport out of all of god damn Canada?" Tyler rhetorically questions to point out the silliness behind Evan's excitement.

"I live near Toronto, so the flight luckily won't be so long." Smitty answers anyway despite Wildcat's pessimism.

Evan gasps very dramatically, then gets really close to his mic and lowers his voice to sound intense. "I live in Toronto."

"DUUUUDE!" Smitty exclaims back as him and Evan continue to get excited while Tyler rants about 'how the shit is that even possible?!'. Daithi, Marcel and myself laugh. My laughter is mainly from Smitty's sudden excitement and enthusiasm he doesn't always have; it's so cute. We start to make plans as to where and when to meet up and everything else, deciding that since I'll be landing in Boston before the Canadians that I'll get the room checked out, then pick up Smitty from the airport since Evan is apparently staying at a different hotel.

—Time Skip to day before PAX—

Since it is the day before PAX, this is the day everyone is coming to Boston. I've already got the room set up, making sure it had two beds and putting my stuff away. I grab my phone and leave the hotel when my alert goes off to go to the airport and pick up Smitty. He said Evan was going to stay with him in order for me to find him, since I don't know what he himself looks like just yet. I look around for Evan and finally find him so I pull up to the curb in front of them. The first thing I notice is the man beside him's shirt: one of John's sellout shirts for his 'Subscribe to KryozGaming' meme. Yep, that's definitely gotta be Smitty. Along with the long-sleeve shirt, he is wearing black baggy-ish jeans and white shoes.

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