ZeRoyalChaos (ZeRoyalViking x ChilledChaos)

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Anthony POV

"CHILLY WILLY!" I hear the voice of my best friend Ze yell. We're at PAX and I'm currently at a fan meet up along with Adam, Max, and GaLm. Ze had woken up late so he came separately, which is why he is just now finding me.

I quickly look up, along with practically everyone else, and instantly start smiling. I hold my arms out for a hug. "ZE!" He tackles me into a hug, making us fall to the ground in a mess of laughter. All the fans and our friends start to laugh too, and I notice Ze's is more of a nervous laughter now. I look at him and see him blushing since he is now straddling me, sitting on my crotch area as he does so. I've always had a feeling he had a crush on me, especially since he came out bisexual. He would never deny it either, and I honestly like him back. I've just kinda been teasing him for a while, trying to make sure I really do feel this way about him. But now I'm completely sure, which is why I was so excited for PAX.

"Damn, Ze. Didn't know you wanted to top me that bad!" I tease him, absolutely loving to do that. He's just so adorable to tease~! He blushes more and gets off me, then holds a hand out to help me up. I gladly accept it and soon am standing again.

"EVERYBODY TWEET #ZeTops!" GaLm shouts, causing people to start pulling out their phones if they didn't already have them out to take pictures. I'm sure basically everyone got a picture of Ze straddling me and will be tweeting that with the hashtag.

"Jesus Christ, ZeRoyalChaos gets started so easily..." I hear Steven mutter under his breath as he smiles and shakes his head.

I smirk at the evil teasing idea that pops into my head before putting it into action. "Aw, you're blushing! Don't worry, I'll protect you, my love." I say before pulling him into a hug as close to me as humanly possible to let him hide his face against my chest, which he actually does.

I hear people taking more pictures, and soon I let him go. As soon as I do, though, he reaches up and steal my hat, running off. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I scream and chase after him as people continue to laugh as our silliness. Ze starts laughing too, which slows him down. I manage to catch up to him and grab him, picking him up and putting him over my shoulder.

"Noooo! I've been captured! I thought you were supposed to be my knight in shining armor?" He jokes and drops my hat on the ground. I laugh and set him down, then bend down and grab my hat. I put it on my head and smile at him.

"Okaaay, fiiiine." I whine as we go back over to everyone else.

About an hour later, Adam starts insisting we play a quick truth or dare since Max started vlogging. Max and GaLm agree, Max much more hesitant though. "I guess majority vote already wins so I have to." Steven uses this excuse when I agree as well. Everyone is only going to do one truth or dare. GaLm and Max do truth, and Adam does dare. Now, it's Steven's turn. "Um... Truth."

"Alright! You have to answer, remember that." GaLm says as he thinks of something. Then he gets an evil grin. "Ze, do you like Chilled?"

"Duh, we're best friends." Ze answers simply, avoiding the real meaning of the question.

Adam rolls his eyes. "No, not accepting that answer. He means do you have a crush on him? Or even love him?"

Steven blushes and looks down at the ground. "...Yeah..." Of course all the fan freak out, causing me to smile like crazy if I wasn't already from his answer.

"AWESOME! Okay, now since Adam was the only one to do dare, Anthony has to do a dare." Max fist pumps from excitement and focuses the camera on me.

I roll my eyes. "Alright, fine. But if your guys' dare isn't good enough for my standards, I'm daring myself."

"Alright... How about you kiss Ze then?" GaLm insists as the fan freak out again while him, Adam, and Max high five. Ze's blushing so hard right now.

I smirk and shrug. "That's not even a dare, I wanna do that." I respond and don't give any of them enough time to think about what I said before I make a move. I put my hands on Ze's waist and pull him towards me, causing him to instinctively put his hands on my chest, and then lean down and kiss him. I hear everyone cheer, take pictures, and whatnot which makes me smile into the kiss. Ze kisses me back as our lips move perfectly together, and I find myself getting caught up in the moment as my hand goes up his shirt.

He pulls away and smiles, his face still pink from blushing. "Slow down there, Anthony, you gotta save that for later. Can't just start making out in front of everyone like this."

"Why not?" I rhetorically shoot back, causing him and a few others to chuckle. All the while I continue to feel alerts on my phone going off from notifications, probably all from people freaking out on Twitter.

"So, is ZeRoyalChaos finally real?" Adam asks, his voice very hopeful. Max and GaLm also look at us with hope in their eyes. Aw, they've all wanted us together!?

I look down at Ze and move my arm up so it's around his shoulder as he stands beside me. "How about it? Will you be the Royal to my Chaos?"

"Not just the Royal... ZE Royal." He responds while smiling at me and I kiss the top of his head. There's a chorus of 'awww's and then we go about finishing up our day at PAX like normal... Just with a bit more love to be thrown around.

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