Your name is December Thirtieth. You are a simple person, who has the power to manipulate time and space, and leap across dimensions. It's a gift you were born with, passed on by parents you never met. Essentially, you, a small kid, has the power to manipulate all universes and all of time.
You're going to destroy it all.
××××××××××××××Your name is January First! You're just a simple little guy who just so happens to be aware that there are multiple timelines and universes! Nothing's ever happened to them though, and thank goodness! It would be horrible if someone decided they wanted to use their powers of time for bad and destroy the world!
××××××××You're February. February Fourteenth. But you like to be called Feb. You have a pretty neat power. You can see how two people will act towards each other in the future. It's nice for couples, but you hardly see any anymore...
You kinda wish there were more opportunities to use it.
×××××××××You are October Thirtyfirst. You have the power to become someone's worst fear. You despise your self and this power.
××××××××Your name is November. You can see people's futures. That's all you need to know.