Hey look 4 lesbian fantrolls

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Linten Primts-Sage(Yellow Green) blood--Derse dreamer- bstffKind (bo staff)Heir of Heart

Riott Sulsti-Aqua(Blue-Green) blood--Prospit dreamer--flmngstckKind(Flamingstick)--Witch of Ember

Atumus Faline-Orchid(Purple) blood--Prospit dreamer--bowndarrwKind(bow and arrow)--Slyph of Time

Wnited Shiill-- Rose(Albino/Mutant) blood-- variant of fuschia--Derse dreamer-- nrstobjctKind specibus(nearest object)--Prince of Frost

Linten= SidewaysSassypants
Riott= SearingAirball
Atumus= AcrylicWindow
Wnited= WillbeSun

Linten= TelltaleCyanide
Riott= GoldenTopic
Atumus= AutumnGarden
Wnited= AmendComing

Their game session is actually fairly normal. The story is that at 3 sweeps they all met once when Alternia successfully rebelled against the empress, at a fireworks show, after being internet friends for a while.
They promise to play a game Wnited found in exactly three sweeps, because they know that with the war still cooling over, that they won't be able to see each other.

But when the time comes, they find that they've changed very much from when they last saw each other.

TC: hey you dumbnook!! we grrotta grret grroing!!
SS: hi grruys!!!!! It's been sooooo long!!!!! i missed you grruys!!!!!

GT: uhh. are you sure this is e×actly where we're going?

AG: yOU rEAlly shOUld bE cArEfUl!! whAt If yOU gEt hUrt?!
AW: cOUld yOU plEAsE try nOt tO hUmIlIAtE yOUrsElvEs??

AC: i%'ll come s00n. i know i% will.
WS: hey guys, supupup! i%s rad to see you!! sorry ive been such an unrad b00n ge%%ing %he game running!

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