Threshheld(horror rpg idea)

19 3 1

Who are you?
You don't know?
That's fine.
That's perfect.
We only need five for now.

You spy on the lives of five for now
Tyler Tyler, doesn't know who she is
Yui Yumi, who doesn't know, and it's bad
Saman Sam. He's broken.
Kage Kage in a cage.
Jessica Jess?????

You spy on the deaths of five for now
Tarren Tarren, can't teach from a mile away
Yumi Yui, who's smart and it's bad
Sudac Sud, who can't fix things not in reach
Para Parakeet, is free
Collin Coll[MISSING]

You aren't important

Save one lose two
Save two lose one
Replacements for lost and saved arrive

In the Threshheld, you decide

Who lives, who dies
Whose truth, whose lie
Whose crazy whose sane
And if you'll still lose your brain???

Claud's idea journalWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu