another set of gay anime characters-Idk if boy or girl

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Ohmy-chan and Miss/Mister Itai

Two foreign exchange students are made roomates, one from England and the other from Japan.

They do not speak a lick of the other's language, and are trapped by a language barrier.
Their first mistake is that they cannot properly introduce themselves, and after a bunch of frustration and exasperation and laughing, the Brit comes out thinking their roomate's name is Itai(Japanese word to express pain or frustration), and the Jap believes their roommate's name is Ohmy(Self explanatory)

They manage to form a rather cute friendship with body language, despite not having a clue what the other is saying, and go on misadventures in their college.

Opening Song(though it can barely be called a song!)
(actual Japanese words will be added later) (Itai's lyrics in parenthesis)

Hey hey
('Ey he eh!)

Ready to start!
(language barrier!)

Hey, Itai, Itai Itai itai!
(Hai, oh my, oh my oh my Ohmy-chan?)

Not understanding a single word you say!
Is a frustration that piles up every day!
I wish to know more about you, and all day!
I simply hope that, that didn't sound too gay!
I'm not!

(We can't understand a single word we say!
So I could say anything, in any tone or way!
Like how I'd f--- your --- and lick your little ----
And if I say sweet enough, I'd bet you would agree

Copyrights and other random things
I could say, 'bout anything
You still wouldn't understand the meaning
But you are still a friend to me.

(crime and war and lots of dirty things!
I could say about anything!
But it's getting old and I wanna see blush!
So hurry up and learn my language, my best friend and crush!)

Oh hey, Itai, Itai Itai Itai!
(oh my, oh my, oh my, Oh my, ohmy-chaan!~)
Itai, Itai, Itai, Mr/s Itai!
(you are my love you are my crush)
I wish you knew that I love you very much!

Claud's idea journalWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu