Writing Practice One-Shot(s?)

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Inspired by Random Manips 2 by NamelessDoll

--Merida and the Wisp--

Merida knew all about the Will-O-The-Wisps. She saw them when she was little, made tiny tapestries of them with her mother when she was wee, and she was just generally fascinated by them. And natutally, with that knowledge, she also had knowledge of everything about them. For just one example, she knew that souls would turn into Will-O-The-Wisps. And for another, she knew that troubled souls weren't able to, and would remain troubled souls. That they would search for their body, their old life.


On the other hand, Rapunzel was simply confused. Where was she? Where did she go? All she could remember was her mother's voice, and now she was trapped in this place. Well, not trapped. But surely unable to find a way out. How long had she been looking, she briefly wondered? She walked around, with nervousness. She was tenatively searching for her tower. Her home.


Merida knew all kinds of things about the Wisps. She knew they only appeared to lead you to your fate. But she also knew that confused Wisps, Lost Wisps, only appeared to those who's fate concerned helping the souls. She'd never seen one, though, of course. She doubted she would, as she walked,through the forest, calling for her lost horse.

And suddenly, she saw a shadowy blast of blue.

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