k. tobio

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↬ do you prefer sunsets or sunrises?

you buried your face into your hands and sobbed. why? you thought. everything was going so well, so why?  you had recently broken up with your past significant other that you had been dating for about a year. when you found out s/he had been cheating on you, you ran out crying. now, sitting on the side of the road, you cried. alone.

rain had began to pour down, but you didn't care. too drowned in your own sorrow, you bawled your heart out, not caring if random bystanders stopped to look at you. suddenly, you felt the rain stop and warmth envelop your shoulders. looking up, you see a blushing blackette avoiding eye contact. it was kageyama, a good friend of yours. wrapping the placed jacket closer, you sniffled.

"what are you doing here? your going to catch a cold in this rain."

"i could say the same for you, (y/n). stop worrying about others for once and think about yourself."

you paused and stared at your trembling hands.

"why is it that i always end up getting hurt in the end? am i not good enough?" tears streaked down your face, as tobio's heart sunk with yours. he hated seeing you cry.

"(y/n), stop. s/he never deserved you the minute they laid eyes on you. b-but i-" kageyama stopped and sighed.

"tobio?" your tears came to a stop as you gave a questioned look to the setter.

"but, but i do. i deserve you. call me selfish, but i've loved you ever since i can remember (y/n)."

you were taken aback. the feelings you used to have for kageyama had withered slightly when you were in a relationship, but they began to sprout up again. standing up, you pulled kageyama  into a hug. he was taken aback for a moment, but quickly hugged you back just as tight.

"and i deserve you, tobio." 

OK BEFORE IM ATTACKED FOR THIS BEING EDITED AND CHANGED, it is simply my decision to make the revisions i want and i am truly sorry if you liked the original more. i just was not happy with it. please respect that.

with love, mils xx

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