u. wakatoshi

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(f/n) - friend's name

"wakatoshi, wake up!"

the blunt ace slowly opened his eyes to see you beaming and holding a wrapped box. you happily handed it to him.

"happy birthday!"

it took ushijima a minute to process before a blush crept up his face. he carefully took the precious gift and unwrapped the purple wrapping paper. inside was a pair of new volleyball shoes and a magazine with him on the cover.

"i also made you favorite, hayashi rice! oh, and i've also-" 

before you could finish your sentence, ushijima pulled you into his arms and placed a gentle kiss on your head. you were surprised, since he wasn't one to show much emotion, but you smiled anyway.

"thank you, (y/n)."

you chuckled before you planted a kiss on his lips, leaving him flustered and a blushing mess.

"you're welcome. ah, look at the time! i told (f/n) that i would bring her the book i borrowed. i promise i'll be back before lunch!"

you felt a little guilty for leaving your boyfriend on his birthday, but you knew it wasn't for long. you got up, gathering your things and yelling a goodbye before heading out the door.

"(y/n) really is an angel." the left hander thought out loud. even though ushijima wasn't one to do anything special, he wanted to thank you for your gift and just your overall well-being. i'll make lunch for the two of us.

ushijima got up from his bed and walked towards the kitchen. while he ate the delicious hayashi rice you made for him, he thought about what to cook for the two of you. he decided on curry, since it seemed pretty simple. but the thing was, ushijima didn't know how to make it.

gathering some ingredients, he washed his hands first. next, ushijima heated up the stove, and then poured the water in the boiling pot. okay, so far so good. what else is in curry? he thought for a moment before he plopped a few tomatoes in. un-chopped. he tossed in a couple of other poorly cut vegetables as well and stirred the mixture.

taking the leftover cooked meat in the fridge, he dumped that in the pot as well. okay, (y/n) likes spice, so i guess i should make this really spicy. ushijima plopped two whole chili peppers in before putting in a bunch of random ingredients. after a while, he assumed it was ready and grabbed two plates to pour the "curry" in.

just in time, you walked through the door to smell an odd stench coming from the kitchen. you wandered over to the kitchen to find your stoic boyfriend holding two plates of...something.

"welcome home, (y/n)."

"ah thank you wakatoshi. what's that?"

"it's curry, i made it. shall we eat?"

"erm," you looked at the plate again, but remembering his birthday, "...sure."

the two of you sat down and after saying your thanks, you picked up your fork and took a bite. your face instantly turned green, and you were sweating. how spicy did he make this? looking over, you saw ushijima was looking a little sick as well.

"wakatoshi, i-"

"i know it's bad, i'm sorry (y/n). i wanted to make us a nice lunch, but i failed majorly. i'll be in my room." ushijima got up from his seat and walked towards his room. guilt was all the male could feel and it made his birthday seem bitter.

"h-hey wait up!"

you felt a pang of sadness for ushijima, he was always trying to be his best and when he wasn't, he got very depressed. you knocked on his door, before letting yourself in. ushijima was in up his bed sulking into his pillow.

you carefully crawled into bed with him as you gave him a big hug. it took a moment, but ushijima hugged you back, tightly.

"wakatoshi, don't be so hard on yourself. i know you want to be the best, but i don't want you to get mad about everything that isn't your thing. i love you all the same, so you should know that."

what you said touched his heart, and ushijima gave you a sweet kiss before he pulled you closer.

"you know what else would make my birthday better?"

it's real late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO USHIWAKA !! did you know ushijima's birthday is the same day as international left handers day ?

with love, mils xx

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