o. tooru

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↬ ocean waves or rain?

warning: angst

the wind was a cold breeze, tingling your nose and making you shiver. nevertheless, you continued walking. it was mid fall, but it already felt like winter. leaves covered in frost crunched underneath your shoes and mild fog swallowed the earth. 

you came to a halt. pushing the creaky black gates open, you stepped inside and kept walking. after you reached your destination, you slowly bent down and placed a bouquet of flowers. along with the flowers, a loaf of milk bread and coffee.

before you could stop yourself, salty tears fell down your cheeks. bitterness and sadness built up inside of you as you let out a quiet sob. after taking a shaky breath, you spoke.

"hey asskawa, how are you? is it nice there? i really, really miss you. funny, huh? i never really acted like i cared for you and now i'm getting all sentimental. you know, you really are a little shit for leaving me, haha. leaving me all alone. alone in this cruel, horrible, shit ass world-"

you couldn't take it. you turned around and sprinted as fast as you could. wind hitting you like an icy blast, but you didn't stop. you ran up the stairs of your apartment and yanked the door open. collapsing on the ground, you sobbed like a child but could care less. you threw the silver engagement ring on the couch with despair.

life was hard without him. the bed was always cold, no warm cuddles. no sweet morning kisses. no childish teasing and piggy back rides. no...spark.


"tooru, stop overreacting. it's not the end of the world."

"oh, but yes it is! i won't be able to give you piggy back rides because of it!"

"you're knee's more important than that stupid."

"wah, so rude! but i'm still able to do what we really enjoy (y/n)~"

you lightly slapped the setter, as a blush enveloped your face. you took your coffee and walked out as oikawa ran after you.

"i'm just kidding (y/n)!"

oikawa pulled your arm and hugged your body towards him. he tilted your chin up, as any embarrassment you had, melted into his chocolate brown eyes. pressing his lips towards yours, you kissed back without thought.

"i really do love you, you know?"

"i love you too, idiot."


"ma'am, i really hate to break the news to you, but the bone tumor in his knee isn't healing. the medications are benefiting his symptoms, but we may need to do another surgery."

you twisted the silver ring on your finger, as you took a small breath. "well, if it helps him get out of this hell, i'm sure we're both willing to do anything."

"of course, we will start the procedure on monday."

you sat up from the creaky white chair and walked out the clear doors. warm, strong arms wrapped around your waist as a smile tugged at your lips.

"how are you, mrs. oikawa?"

"i'm doing well, except for the fact that i have to check with the doctors for someone that is to much of a wuss to do it themselves."

"hey, it's scary there. so what did they say?"

"surgery. monday."

"ah, again? i hate this place."

"well you wanna get better right? just deal with it."

"alright. but you better buy me coffee the next day. speaking of coffee, let's stop by the café, hm?"


"there was a 93% chance of him surviving the procedure, but unfortunately..."

you were quiet. life was crashing down. memories exploding into a million pieces. billions of feelings washed over you. devastated wasn't even close to what you felt.

"i-i'm really sorry ma'am. is there anything-"

"don't. don't speak."

tears had already filled your eyes and were coming down, like empty waterfalls.


"i miss you tooru. i miss you,  i fucking miss you." you picked up the thrown ring and slid it back on.

"i love you."

my. goddamn. heart.

with love, mils xx

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