a. keiji

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↬ extrovert or introvert?


it's never fun.

especially since it happens to you almost everyday. they would make fun of you since you were the new kid, making snarky remarks whilst laughing at you. you always held your tears in before rushing to the music room down the hall and letting it all out. you would sit on the piano bench, taking deep breaths as you stared at the perfectly polished pianoforte.

as you pressed down the black and white keys, you sighed in content. playing the calming instrument eased your tense nerves. you didn't care if it sounded like utter crap, you only played to make you feel safe. little did you know, a certain setter was listening to you song.

what a beautiful melody.

the song ended as you sat up from the chair to gather all your things. you wanted to go home early, just in case the bullies came back. as you were walking out, you were stopped by one of your classmates, akaashi keiji.

"o-oh hello akaashi."

"hello (y/n). i never knew you played piano."

you blushed a deep red. you always had a liking for the emerald eyed male. i mean who wouldn't? he was always kind, sweet, and not to mention, extremely handsome. no, that was an understatement. he was hot.

"ah thank you. is there something you need?" you asked politely. he smiled and walked toward the piano.

"well, actually yes. i've been feeling a little stressed lately since tournament is coming up soon. when i walked by and heard you playing, it calmed my nerves. could you play it for me again?"

"but you see-"

"please (y/n)?"

you took a good look at him: his eyes were red with fatigue, probably from all the practicing in the gym. you sighed and sat down on the bench, brushing gently over the still warm keys.


akaashi took a sit next to you and waited for you to start. you began to play, a little off key in the beginning, but coming out strong in the middle. you could see akaashi bobbing his head in the corner of your eyes and you smiled to yourself. as the song drew to an end, you glanced at the clock and instantly stopped. akaashi turned toward you with a questioning look.

"what's wrong?"

"it's late now. i should go." you said. fear crept up your back, as you rushed to grab your things.

"what? but you only just started playing. why must you go so suddenly?"

"i just...need to go, okay? don't worry about it."

but before you could run out of the music room, akaashi grabbed your hand, pulling you back down. 

"(y/n). tell me what's going on. you've been acting strange."

your heart stopped. i can't tell him. no, he'd think i'm pathetic.

"thank you akaashi, for wasting your time here. i need to go, but uh, see you around?"

and with that, you sprinted out of the classroom as fast as you could.

"wait (y/n)-"

you were already out of the school. walking at a brisk pace, you rounded a corner only to be stopped by them.

"hey, look it's this ugly bitch."

"wow, you seem trashier and more disgusting than usual."

your face fell as you looked at the ground. you began to back up in the other direction, but was pushed back by another bully. laughing, they spat,

"your'e so worthless, it's really sad."

"stop talking shit about (y/n). shove whatever you just said up your ass, because that's just where it came from." 

you turned around and standing behind the group, was akaashi.

"a-akaashi! what are you still doing here?"

 "i'm waiting for (y/n). we're walking home together, don't you know?"

"(y/n)!?" the bullies, who were just as surprised as you, exclaimed.

"uh-huh. now if you'll excuse us, we need to get home. right (y/n)?" akaashi said, winking.

you could barely answer before he grabbed your hand and dragged you out. walking away hand in hand, you heard frantic whispers behind you. it was actually kind of...comforting.

"hey akaashi, thank you."

"it's not a problem. but you should have told me beforehand you know?"

he squeezed your hand harder, as you blushed, apologizing under your breath.

"tell me everything from now on, okay?"


i hope you like your request @anko_tan

YES I CHANGED IT A LITTLE OK PLEASE DONT ATTACK ME! i wasn't happy with it, so please  respect that.

with love, mils xx

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