h. shouyou

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↬ do you have any strange phobias?

"(y/n)! (y/n)!"

you looked over to see hinata running towards you, waving his arms around wildly. he stopped for a moment to catch his breath, before looking at you again.

"coach ukai's birthday is tomorrow and the team is throwing a surprise party!"

"that's so sweet hinata! is that all you needed to tell me though?"

"well um," the wing spiker scratched his neck, "i kinda volunteered to bake a cake, and i kinda... don't know how to. could you teach me?"

being the best baker at school, everybody knew about you. sighing for a moment, you considering his offer. the puppy dog eyes he gave you began melting your heart.

"sure, why not?"

"really? arigato (y/n)! is after school a good time for you?"

"yep! see you then."

the orange haired male jumped up in victory before he spun around, sprinting back to wherever he was going. you giggled at the sight before going your own way as well.


for the first few minutes, everything was going fine. the two of you took turns mixing and adding ingredients. until you accidentally spilled the flour all over hinata's shirt.

"ah, i'm so sorry hinata!"

the energetic male's face turned into a mischievous smile as he inched closer to you.

"so that's how you wanna play (y/n)."

"what do you-"

you couldn't finish your sentence before flour was thrown in your face. oh, it was on. grabbing the eggs, you chucked them at hinata while he ducked under the counter for cover. laughing, he grabbed the milk and dumped the whole carton on you. 

you began to run out of things to throw, so you ducked under a table. as hinata called out your name, you tried your best to suppress a giggle. however, your plan failed when hinata came and  scooped you up, spinning you around. laughter filled your lungs as the two of you just spun around.

when the spinning came to a stop, hinata gently set you down as he leaned his forehead towards yours. you stared into his chocolate brown eyes as he stared back into your (e/c) orbs. 

"can i kiss you?"

you smiled, nodding your head. hinata grinned as he gently placed his lips on yours.


"oi, hinata did you bake the cake?"

"yep! (y/n) helped me!"

the karasuno team sighed in relief, thinking it wasn't going to be a disaster after all.

"let's do a taste test first."

as soon as everyone took a bite, green spread across their faces.


" we kinda ran out of ingredients to use, so while (y/n) was cleaning up, i just put some (random ingredient) in!"

karasuno team: *throwing up*

here's your request @Scarletmaiden_  i hope you like it!

 i tried baking a cake once, and at first i thought it was dark chocolate, but it was actually burnt oops

with love, mils xx

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