y. morisuke

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you groaned loudly. why is french so hard for you? you were good in all of your subjects, except for french. as the bell rung, you sighed and gathered your things. as you were walking out, one of your classmates came up to you.

"hey (y/n)! i see that your struggling with french. need any help?"

you looked over to see nekoma's libero smiling at you. you never liked to admit it, but overtime you had developed feelings for yaku. romantic feelings. you shyly smiled back.

"that would be amazing yaku, but i can't. i know you have volleyball practice, so i wouldn't want to distract you from that."

"n-no it's alright! you passing french is way more important."

"are you sure?"

yaku nodded furiously, pink dusting his cheeks. was the that a blush? you shook it off as you smiled again.

"alright then. is during lunch okay?"

"yep! see you then!"

the chestnut haired boy ran off to his next class as you did the same. your heart was doing little somersaults, but little did you know, a certain boy's was doing the same.


you patiently waited for yaku outside. it's been a while. was yaku playing a prank on you? you didn't think so, but it could be a possibility. just as you were about to go back inside, yaku came bursting through the door.

"ah, gomen (y/n)! kuroo told us to meet at the gym for announcement and it ran late. did i keep you waiting for to long?"

"no, it's okay! if you really are busy though yaku, i can-"

you couldn't finish your sentence before you felt a finger shush you. you blushed slightly from his touch.

"as i've said before, you need to pass french."

you nodded hesitantly, pulling out the assignments that you needed help with. during the session, yaku helped and gave you words of encouragement. sometimes, the both of you would sneak glances at each other, but end up looking away out of embarrassment.

"and that's how-"


the sound of the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. you started to collect your things as you felt a hand grab your wrist. you turned around to see yaku with a blush.

"thank you, (y/n)."

you gave him a questioned look. "why are you thanking me? i should be the one thanking you."

"no it's because...i really enjoy talking and being with you."

yaku's blush deepened as you smiled. 

"er, je t'aime beaucoup. veux tu devenir ma copine?"

even though you were bad at french, you understood what he said. you engulfed yaku into a hug, his strong arms hugging you back. as whispering into his ear, he grinned.


people who speak french PLS don't attack me if what i wrote was incorrect grammar. i don't speak french, so i google translated it. and we all know how sketch google translate is. regardless, YAKU IS SUCH A PRECIOUS BEAN PROTEC THIS BOY AT ALL COST

with love, mils xx

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