o. tooru

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 tea or coffee?

your eyes slowly opened to the bright sunlight shining through the windows of you and your boyfriend's bedroom. you looked up at the sleeping brunette and smiled as you cuddled closer, causing him to wake up.

he rolled over and muttered your name quietly. you chuckled softly at his unconsciousness and nudged him to get up. this only caused himself to dig deeper into his pillow.

"(y/n)~ give me five more minutes."

"you said that half an hour ago." 

 picking up a pillow beside the bed, oikawa aimed it at your face. you barely dodged it, but you had a glare on your face. you picked up the missed pillow and whacked it on your boyfriend's head. hard. this time, he did wake up, but with a smirk on his face as well.

"two can play at the game, (y/n)."

the rest of the morning, (or afternoon i should say) was spent of a pillow fight. no, a pillow war. you hid near the couch, your pillow in your hands, ready to jump out and hit the setter at any given moment.

oikawa was also hiding from you, getting ready to throw a pillow at you, but of course not very hard. it had been around twenty minutes and oikawa began to grow tired of waiting. he got out from his spot and called for you. but no response.

"(y/n)~ please come out! i'm sorry for not waking up! i'm starting to get hungry."

but little did the brunette know, that you had planned this all along. your stash of pillows were hidden behind you.

"tooru, over here!"

you didn't think he would actually fall for it, but since it was oikawa, your boyfriend ran to you with open arms. at the last second you whacked oikawa to the ground, laughing as you walked away. 

"you can't always win everything~"

"ne, (y/n) is so mean!"

i so many tests to study for ;-;  send help pls

with love, mils xx

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