l. haiba

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↬ what is your current hair color?

lev x female reader

you gave one last tug at the hopeless mess on your head, before groaning and giving up. it was a bad hair day. a really bad hair day. normally, you would just throw a hat or headband over your birds nest, but you couldn't today. you and lev's anniversary was today and he had made a reservation to a fancy restaurant.

knock knock knock.

you quickly sat up. he's already here? you made your way to the door and opened it. as soon as it was wide enough to walk through, you were attacked with a rib crushing hug.

"happy anniversary (y/n)!"

"i c-can't breathe lev!"

"ah! gomen."

as the green eyed male let go of you, he looked at your disaster and immediately bent over laughing.

"pfft. your hair is even worse than kuroo's bed hair! hahaha!"

you rolled your eyes, sarcastically saying,

"yes ha ha. very funny."

"you ready to go?"

"are you serious?"

you sighed as you patted your hair down, before it sprang up again. you let out another annoyed groan. lev smiled at your adorable frustration, before an idea came to his mind.

"hey (y/n), i can help you with your hair!"

now it was your turn to start laughing. lev? do your hair? he couldn't even find your bathroom the first time he came over. well, might as well give it a go since there's no point.

"go for it."

lev smiled as you sat down on a chair. he took a brush and slowly began to comb through your mess. oddly, it felt calming. you felt gentle little tugs on the top of your hair as lev said,

"ne, (y/n) you have such pretty hair~"

you blushed. "are you kidding me? did you see my hair earlier?"

"heh, it did look funny. but hey, pretty hair for a pretty girl."

"s-shut up idiot."

lev chuckled as he continued doing your hair. after a couple of peaceful minutes, you saw him reach over for an elastic.

"alright, finished!"

he handed you a mirror as you took a look. woah. your hair was done up elegantly, loose pieces of hair spilling out into an effortless hairstyle.

"lev, this is amazing! when did you learn how to do hair like this?"

"i always did my sister's hair, and i guess it just kinda stuck with me."

you got up and gave him a hug, his long arms hugging you back. he brought your chin up and leaned in to give you soft, sweet kiss. you smiled as you kissed back.

"i love you, (y/n)."

currently having a bad hair day, so got inspired to do this hehe 

with love, mils xx

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