o. tooru

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 ↬ favorite holiday?

oikawa was the kind of person to feel sentimental over the littlest of things. but the most nostalgic he ever is, is when the jolliest time of the year arrives. christmas. he has fond memories of decorating the tree, making cookies, and wrapping presents. oikawa was especially ecstatic when he saw christmas decorations arriving early in stores and always begged you to look at them with him. it drove you insane.

one day, the two of you were shopping for groceries together. you grabbed some things you needed and placed them in the cart. as you turned around, you noticed oikawa not standing by the cart. you checked the other aisles, but he was nowhere to be seen. you embarrassingly called out his name like a lost child, earning weird looks from strangers. i swear, when i find him.

while walking towards one of the last aisles, you heard a strange jingling sound in the distance followed by a chuckle. it can't seriously be him. pushing the cart towards the noise, you see a cheeky oikawa checking out, low and behold, christmas tree decorations. you first face palmed yourself, before asking yourself, why the hell do they have christmas decorations in the middle of summer?  you walked over to the giddy setter and gave him a good kick in the shin.

"oww! what was that for?"

"you left the cart without telling me!"

"aww, is (y/n) afraid of me leaving?"

"shut up asskawa!"

oikawa only laughed while pulling you into an embarrassing, but loving hug. he placed a kiss on your forehead as he whispered,

"don't worry, i will never leave your side~"

you pulled away and rolled your eyes. "you're so cheesy, it's disgusting."

"ne, i'm being romantic!"

"why are you even shopping for christmas stuff? it's still summer!"

laughing, he simply replied, "it's never too early to shop for christmas!" before proceeding to dump the entire row of decorations into the cart.

"tooru! we are not buying all of this!"

"why not?" he whined like a child.

you looked at the sad, big brown eyes he was giving you. a part of you wanted to tell him to put all the decorations back, but the rest of you was melting under the gaze. i hate myself for doing this.

"fine. but take at least ten things out. we're gonna go broke before the holidays actually come"

oikawa's eyes lit up like christmas lights as he smiled from ear to ear. he gave you a bone crushing hug and a quick peck, as he carefully decided which items to keep. after an extremely long decision, he was finally done picking out his items. you both walked hand in hand to the checkout as he whispered in your ear.

"i put some mistletoe in the cart for us too, (y/n)~"


cashier: so i see you took a look at our christmas shipments...

oikawa: yep! but i'm very disappointed, sir. rudolph came in a size large last year, but this year they only came in medium! what the f u c k do you have to say about this?!

you: *face palms so hard*

with love, mils xx

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