t. kei

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what was the last thing you drank/ate?

you yawned as you casually walked to your favorite downtown cafe. it wasn't very popular since it was small and hidden near a large building. you had somehow stumbled upon it and have gone there almost every morning ever since. as you pushed open the door, the smell of coffee and tea welcomed you with a comforting scent.

"one (favorite drink) please." you ordered politely.

"coming right up!"

as you went to go sit down, you began to wait patiently until your eyes settled on a blonde boy. he was tall and black rectangles framed his honey colored orbs. you continued to stare at him without realizing it, until he looked up at you. instantly looking away, you blushed in embarrassment.

"i have a (favorite drink)!"

you sat up as you heard your order, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. as you reached for your drink, another hand went to grab it as well. you looked up to see the blonde boy you were staring at was holding the other side of the drink. he scowled and saying rather harshly,

"this is my drink."

"u-um I'm pretty sure t-that this is my drink...sir." (*snorts* as if tsukki could ever be called sir)

his scowl only turned darker until he sighed and looked at the barista.

"hey where's this person's drink? we both ordered the same thing."

"i'm sorry to say sir, (*snorts again*) but we are currently out of (favorite drink). we will restock tomorrow!"

the barista walked away as you turn back to look at the boy. he sighs again and walks towards a table, motioning you to follow him. you gave him a confused look, but nevertheless followed him anyway. as he sits down, he takes a sip of the drink and sets it down.

"hope you enjoyed the drink." you mumbled. he looks up from his seat and slides the drink to you.

"it seems you need it more than me." he says with a smirk. you scoffed and took the drink gulping down some of it. when you put it down, you realized that was an indirect kiss. the guy's smirk deepened as you blushed.

"your'e interesting. what's your name?"


"tsukishima kei." he looked at the clock on the wall and began to sit up.

"wait! don't you want the rest of the drink?" you then mentally face palmed yourself realizing that sounded strange. shrugging, he pulled out a pen and wrote something on the back of your cup as he gave it back to you.

"have the rest." and just like that he walked out of the door leaving you completely stunned. you turned the cup around to see a scraggly message that read,

nnjoy the drink (y/n). next time we see each other, call it my treat to buy a (favorite drink) for you, since i quite like having to share it with you

- tsukishima kei

you smiled at the note as you walked out thinking of your encounter with the blonde boy. little did you know, he was thinking the same.

for the talented 0IKAWAS . thank you for requesting and i hope this lives up to your expectations. enjoy!

with love, mils xx

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