n. yuu

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↬ if you could visit any country, where would you go?

you sighed. it was the weekend, but you had absolutely nothing to do. lazily sprawled on your bed, you read fanfics until you got a call from your boyfriend, nishinoya.

"what's up yuu?" (his hair hehe)

"hey, we should do something today! i don't have volleyball practice, so i'm free the entire day!" the cheerful libero exclaimed.

"well i don't know ahaha. you think of something."

"hmm, oh i know! what about the pumpkin patch? i've never been there before and tanaka always tells me i should go with him. i want to try it first with you though!"

you blushed, and agreed to the plan. after you both hung up, you went to go get ready for your date.


you tugged your scarf up higher, a sad attempt to keep yourself warm. where was nishinoya? did he ditch you? no, he was faithful enough to not do that. sick? he sounded perfectly fine on the phone. oh no, if something bad happened to him-


your thoughts were interrupted as you were enveloped into a warm hug.

"sorry i'm late, i forgot something at home. but forget about that, let's go!" the duo color haired boy exclaimed as he grabbed your hand and ran off to the fields.

you could barely keep up with how fast he was running. when you finally reached your destination, nishinoya's eyes lit up. this was his first time after all. he was running everywhere picking up or putting down pumpkins and asking for your opinion. you had already found your pumpkin, but smiled at how cute he was being.

after about thirty minutes of picking a pumpkin, nishinoya finally picked one.

"okay, i'm done, let's go get some ice cream! my treat."

turning around, your eyes widened. the damn pumpkin was almost bigger than him.

"yuu! why did you pick such a big pumpkin? you can barely hold it!"

"well i wanted a bigger pumpkin, but this was the biggest one there was. and i wanted big pumpkin because when i get home, i'm gonna carve it into a heart so it can describe how big my  love for you is!"

you blushed deeply at how extremely cheesy it was, but before you could say anything about it, nishinoya planted a soft kiss on your lips.

"yuu! we're in public!"

noya is srsly the only reason i started watching haikyuu haha. 

no but really-

with love, mils xx

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