k. kuroo

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you shifted nervously in your seat. currently, kuroo was driving you to the clinic to get your wisdom teeth removed. your parents had signed off the papers, but were unable to take you. however, kuroo happily agreed to take you.

"(y/n) there's nothing to be afraid of!"

but you were afraid. you knew that many people tended to tell the truth or act silly when they were on the strong load of narcotics. and it would be especially bad if you let your feelings for kuroo slip out while you were unconscious.

as the car pulled to a stop, you looked up to see the front doors of the hospital.

"i don't want to get out."

sighing, kuroo unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to you with a comforting smile. "you're gonna be fine. i'll be right there when you get out."

you smiled weakly and nodded. unbuckling your seatbelt, the two of you walked into the building. 

a nurse greeted you and guided you to a room down the hall. you gave kuroo one last look before heading in.


you groggily opened your eyes and sat up. the nurse led you to the waiting room where kuroo was seated. or rather, napping.

"sir, (y/n) has finished their procedure."

jolting up, kuroo quickly consulted with the nurse about your medications and plans for rest. walking back to you, he slowly lifted you up and supported you with one arm.

"let's get you home."

you looked up at kuroo, almost bursting into tears. "you're weaving (leaving) me?"

chuckling, kuroo ruffled your hair and dragged you out. "no, silly. you're coming with me." 

you were way too high on laughing gas. everything felt like it was spinning, thus making you trip over your feet numerous times. 

kuroo sighed and resorted to just carrying you on his back. nuzzling into his shoulder, he smiled. just then, a thought slipped into his head causing him to smirk.

"so now will you tell me who you like?"

you giggled. "you should know."

"you love me, don't you?" kuroo joked.

"shh! you didn't hear anyfing (anything)!" you hushed.

kuroo stopped walking for a moment, his heart skipping a beat. "wait, you like me? like like me?"

"don't tell anyone!" you slurred, before going into a laughing fit.

kuroo's mind went blank. you liked him? at first he was in shock, but slowly he began to feel ecstatic, as if he was high on laughing gas too.

he set you down, turning you around so you could face him. lifting your head, he leaned over to give you a quick peck on your numb lips. he was taken aback however, when you started wailing.

"what's wrong?"

"you kissed me, but i can't fewl (feel) it because i don't have any wips (lips)!"

kuroo burst out laughing as he set you down in the car. getting into the driver's seat, he gently gripped your hand and drove you to get ice cream.

i have so many old requests i need to get started on ahhh forgive me :,(

i remember reading an imagine like this and absolutely loved it, so i had

to recreate it. hoped you enjoyed it!

with love, mils xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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