a. keiji

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↬ what is your dream job?

it was only on rare events did akaashi show much emotion on his face, and tonight so happened to be one of those rare nights.

akaashi had taken you out to look at the stars and full moon. outside in the park near his home, you two sat on a bench and gazed up at the night sky. a warm smile laying upon each of your faces. it was perfect.

"the stars look really pretty tonight." 

"not as pretty as you." akaashi smiled, which turned into a smirk upon seeing the small blush starting to form on your cheeks. compliments from him like that always threw you off, and he knew it.

the setting fell silent again. but it was a comfortable and peaceful silence. the two of you unable to take your eyes off the sky. well, at least one of you. the other one, akaashi, found his eyes glued to you. he didn't understand how you did it. how on earth were you always so beautiful? he hoped his heart didn't sound as loud to you as it did to him.

he needed to kiss you. so he did. which of course caught you off guard again.

"i'm sorry (y/n)," he looked embarrassed, which was oddly really cute. "i just really wanted to kiss you. i should have asked..."

"it's alright," you giggled and placed a soft kiss on his cheek."i wanted to kiss you too, so let's redo that."

"sounds perfect," he smiled as he began to lean in for a kiss.

time felt as if it had stopped just then. with his lips locked on yours, the world felt as though it was just you two. again, everything was just perfect. breaking away from the kiss, surprising you a little as he did so, he smiled and whispered to you.

"(y/n), i love you to the moon and back."

akaashi is so oc in this i'm so sorry

with love, mils xx

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