b. koutarou

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↬ are you currently in an art class?

(y/b/n) - your brother's name

"i'm bored (y/n)!"

"i don't care, just stop bugging me!"

you and your bipolar boyfriend were babysitting your little brother, and being bokuto, he got bored the instant he had nothing to do.

"come on, let's do something! please (y/n)? pretty please? pretty please with owl sprinkles on top?"

just as you were about to punch him in the face, (y/b/n) yelled from the living room,


you were going to get up and grab the coloring book, but bokuto had already scooped (y/b/n) up into his arms. he ran into another room, screaming like an idiot on his way.

you face palmed yourself as you ran after the crazy bunch. you found bokuto placing papers and paint on the table as your brother played with the fluffy brushes. bokuto yanked the paintbrush out of your little brother's hand.

"(y/b/n), you don't need these stupid brushes for art! today, i'm gonna teach you a new art concept! it's called...finger painting!"

(y/b/n) clapped his hands excitedly, as bokuto laughed triumphantly. you rolled your eyes as you leaned against the doorframe, waiting for a disaster to happen. bokuto grabbed a clean piece of paper and dipped his finger into the bright yellow paint. he began to show (y/b/n) different types of finger strokes and patterns. you smiled at how cute the scene was. after a few minutes, bokuto got up from his seat as (y/b/n) was still painting.

"oh (y/n)~"

"what now bokuto?"

"just wanna say i love you."

you were too flustered to do anything, so you didn't realize the blue paint on bokuto's hand reach around your waist.


the loud captain laughed, as he ran off with you chasing after him.


as you rounded the corner, you spotted him hiding behind the couch. you grabbed one of the paint tubes and ran to the couch.

"ha! got you-"

you felt something cold go down your shirt. looking down, paint soaking the inside of your shirt and bokuto gave you a mischievous look. this was war. he attempted to spray the rest of his  paint on him as you scrambled to get away. of course, bokuto instantly caught up with you. curse his athleticism. he grabbed your arm and pulled you close.

"why don't we call a truce?"

"never, idiot."

bokuto suddenly placed a sweet kiss on your lips. dammit.


"i'll think about it."

"well, you'll need to think faster 'cause take this!"

paint. on your shirt. again.

"bokuto. i am going to murder you."

urghh not my best, sorryyy

with love, mils xx

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