k. tetsurou

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"(y/n)! come here for a second!" your dad said from the living room.

you walked over to him, phone in your hand as usual. "what's up?"

"can i borrow your phone? i need to call mine because i seem to have lost it."

"sure." you replied nonchalantly, unlocking your phone. you walked to the kitchen to get something to eat as your dad looked through the section labeled "d". he tapped the contact under the name "daddy", assuming that was what his number was under.

you came back into the living room to see your dad making a confused and stern face while talking on the phone.

"what's wrong?"

ignoring you, he continued to talk on the phone.

"excuse me sir, but i'm pretty positive that i'm (y/n)'s dad."

your face went ghostly pale. oh no.

"hey dad, can i talk to the person on the phone for a minute?"

he handed your phone back and crossed his arms. you quickly walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind you. taking a deep breath, you whisper-yelled to your idiot boyfriend,

"kuroo, remind to never ever give you my phone. what were you even thinking putting your contact name as 'daddy'? my dad is gonna kill me!"

"chill, (y/n). how was i supposed to know that your dad would find out? plus, its not the big of a deal. it's actually hilarious." you heard him chuckle in the background.

"this isn't funny kuroo."

"(y/n), i believe the name is daddy."


ever since that incident, the nekoma volleyball team heard about their captain's new nickname and decided to make use of it. as you were walking kuroo to his volleyball practice, you heard little snickers from his teammates behind you.

"hey daddy!"

"what's up daddy?"

"omg is that daddy?"

it wasn't very long before kuroo blew a fuse and gave them all a death glare. it shut them up, but a few giggles and comments could still be heard.

this chapter is a literal meme HAHAHAH

mils xx

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