k. kozume

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↬ are you left handed or right handed?

(f/n) - friend's name

"(y/n), are you on your phone again?"

you looked up from your illuminated screen to see your annoyed friend.

"sorry (f/n), but this is a really important conversation."

"with who?"

"...a friend."

"it's kenma, isn't it?"

you stopped typing, as a blush crept up your face. you never wanted to admit it, but you did have a little crush for the pudding head. his calm personality, amazing volleyball skills, or how  cute it was when his nose twitches made him extremely likable. since he loved electronics and games as well, he would always cheer you up by sending a cute or funny message.

but not just any message. kenma created a secret code for the both of you to communicate, so no one could read them. you thought it was the sweetest thing ever.

"so what if it is?"

"(y/n), just confess to him already!"

"i don't think he likes me that way."

"sure he does! you just need to seize the right moment."


it was lunch time and you sat with your friends. you weren't really paying attention to their conversation, since you were more into a discussion with a special someone.

♧✧✳︎≪∉Ǐℑ (i wish we had lunch at the same time!)

&❭♢▲✶❀✖︎ (me too, then we could eat together.)

you smiled at your phone, not noticing (f/n) leaning over your shoulder.

"why so many emoticons?"

shrieking, you quickly put you phone away from any sight. shoot.

"um, i'm just playing around with my keyboard"

(f/n) rolled her eyes. "playing with your keyboard? (y/n), you seriously suck at lying. you and kenma have a secret code, right?"

"o-of course not!"

(f/n) just giggled as you tried your best to hide your blush.

"(y/n), you have to tell him your feelings! you guys would be so cute together."

"as i've said before, hell no."

you went to throw away your lunch, forgetting that your phone was left open on your seat. when you came back, you saw (f/n) giving you a mischievous smile. uh oh. quickly unlocking your phone you checked your messages. you almost fainted.

hey kenma, i really like you. you wanna go out sometime?

you cringed as you read the message over and over. now kenma definitely won't like you anymore. you were still sulking, when you heard your phone buzz again. great. you accepted your fate and slowly unlocked your phone.

✣º₢⚀♤☾<𝄢? (sure, why not this saturday?)

you couldn't believe your eyes. so he won't think your a total creep. but wait, he didn't say anything about you liking him. you expression saddened, thinking to yourself that you had been friend zoned. almost instantly, another buzz came from your phone.

✖︎⫸;∭℆៛♡ (oh, and i really like you too.)

so much copy and pasting emoticons jfc

mils xx

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