k. kozume

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do you have a favorite flower?

quickly google mapping the nearest floral shop, you ran across the street, ignoring the angry honks from incoming cars. today was your sister's graduation, and your mom had told you to buy flowers for her. yesterday.

as you pushed the glass doors of the shop open, a certain nekoma setter's head shot up. being in too much of a hurry, you didn't notice him staring at you. wow, she's beautiful, he thought to himself. he began to make his way towards you, hoping to get a closer look at you.

"excuse me miss, but do you need help looking for a specific flower?"

you turned around, immediately blushing. he was extremely cute. his pudding colored hair fell loosely around his face and his amber eyes looked at you with curiosity, like a cat. you glanced over at his name tag. kenma, it read.

"um, yes. do you guys sell sunflowers here?"

"actually, we do. follow me." kenma replied, leading you to a small corner in the store. you gasped at how gorgeous they looked, and excitedly rushed over. chuckling at your adorable face, he handed you the bouquet of flowers. when both your hands brushed each other, you blushed again.

the two of you walked over to the cash register. kenma quickly scanned the flowers as you held out a twenty dollar bill. he looked at the money for a moment, before pushing your hand away.

"on the house."

"really? wow, thank you so much!"

kenma nodded as he carefully wrapped the bouquet in tissue paper. you were patiently waiting for him to finish, when your phone began to rang. picking it up, your mom immediately started scolding you.

"(y/n)! where are you? your sister's graduation is starting!"

"sorry mom, i'm buying flowers- i mean, uh...i'm in traffic."

"flowers? i told you yesterday-"

before she could finish, you quickly hung up. sliding your phone into your back pocket, you noticed kenma was finished with wrapping.

"you seem to be in a hurry. here you go. have a nice day." he replied, before heading into the back.

you stood there blankly before sighing. i guess the cute ones never like me, you thought sadly. picking up the flowers, you rushed out the door and hailed a cab.


the graduation ceremony had ended, and your family members crowded around your sister to congratulate her. you followed and glumly handed her the sunflowers. as you walked over to get a drink of water, your sister called out your name.

"wait, (y/n)! there was a note attached to these, and i don't think it's for me."

you looked at her in confusion before taking the note from her. as you quickly read it, you couldn't stop smiling.

hey, i think you're really really pretty. let's hang out soon. call me.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx

requested by @kozume-san hope you liked it!

with love, mils xx

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