n. yuu

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↬ if you were a volleyball player, what position would you play?

you were currently watching your favorite TV show and sitting comfortably on the couch at your boyfriend's home. you were waiting for him to finish getting dressed, since the two of you were going out to dinner soon.

"i'm almost done (y/n)!" the libero yelled from upstairs.

"you said that ten minutes ago, what's taking you so long?"

there was no reply, but instead the quick padding of footsteps entering the room. nishinoya was dressed in a crisp button down with simple pants.

"jeez noya, this is the most formal i've ever seen you!" you joked playfully. nishinoya blushed slightly, but a big, charming smile erupted his face. he walked towards the couch and sat down next to you.

"i always try to look my best for you, (y/n)~ but anyway, feel my shirt!"

you gave him a questioning look, but did as he told.

"why? is it new or something?"


"then what's special about this specific shirt?"

the dual hair colored male stifled a giggle as he said in a loud, clear voice.

"it's special because, it's boyfriend material."

you laughed at his cheesy joke. the cuteness of your boyfriend gave you a warm, bubbly feeling inside. the same feeling as trapped butterflies. but the good kind.


you took a deep breath as you hooked arms with your father, two of you walking through the double doors. as the two of you walked down, you could hear the gasps and excited giggles of the audience, but you focused on only one person.

that person was smiling his famous big, charming smile that widened even more the closer you got. you gave your father a quick kiss, as he gave you a proud smile and let go of your arm. the bigamy was speaking words, but you couldn't hear them. both of you too entranced in each other's presence. when the bigamy stopped talking, the two of you said the final words that would lead you to your future. as you both leaned in for a kiss, the volleyball player whispered in your ear.

"and now, i'm proud to say that my shirt is made of husband material."


suga: *wipes tears* they grow up so fast.

dadchi: i'm so proud.

suga: they better make me some beautiful granbabies.

needed some more noya here hehe. the karasuno family so proud rn

with love, mils xx

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