He's pretty 2

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Taehyung's perspective> > >

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Taehyung's perspective
> > >

"Bye mom, see you later." I kissed my mom on the cheek as I headed out for work. Thank god it's walking distance. "Bye sweetie." She warmly smiled.

I hope Mina won't come to the cafe today, because honestly, I just want to have a day by myself. She's always coming to the cafe and distracting me. Jimin and Yoongi are always teasing me.

After few minutes of walking, I reached the cafe. "Hey Taehyung!" Jimin called out once he saw me. "Sup Taehyung!" Yoongi hyung greeted. "Hey guys!" I greet back. "I'll go get changed." They nod as I walk to staff room.

"Morning Taehyung." Minjae, one of the cafe worker greeted. "Morning Minjae." I smile, as I greet back. "So, how's it going with Mina?" He asks. Why'd he ask? "Good, I guess. Why'd you ask?" I question.

He shrugs, "just wanted to know." He smiles and heads out of the room. I shrug it off and start changing.

"Jimin, you guys are finally together, huh?" I smirk. "Shut up dimwit." He smacks my head. "Hey! That hurts!" I nurse the spot he smacked me. "That's what you get for talking out loud." I scoff.

"How'd he ask you out?" I continue my questions as he glares at me. "Hey, I'm your best friend, you're supposed to tell me." I pout. "Okay fine," he sighs. "He asked me out yesterday."

"Yoongi hyung finally had guts." I laugh, as I dodge his another punch. "At least he's not as annoying as Mina is." I roll my eyes playfully. "Touché."

"Am I correct or am I correct?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "Shut up Jimin." I shake my head and head to the counter. "Hey, he's hot." Jimin points to the person who just entered the cafe. Jungkook?

He looks so different. His cute and adorable image, where is it? Black skinny ripped jeans, black shirt, hair designed like a model. (a.n: emo kid alert, ily kookie 😂)

"Dimwit." Jimin whispers. I look at him. He nudges me. "Stop staring at him and take his order." He giggles. (a.n: Jimin's my sunshine honestly. Have you seen RUN hotel ver.? 😻 Jimin smiling is just 😭😩)

"O-oh, I'm sorry. What'd you like, sir?" I ask Jungkook as I look back at him from Jimin. "I didn't know you worked here, Tae." Tae? Already a nickname? "O-oh yeah. I work here." I smile.

"So, what'd you like?" I ask.

"I'll have breakfast Bap

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"I'll have breakfast Bap." (a.n: aayyy BAP. Ignore me) I nod. Jungkook smiles and walks to the farthest table in the corner and sits.

After few minutes, I was done with his food and head to his table. "Here you go, sir." I bow and turn around. Cafe rules.

"Taehyung!" I turn around to look at Jungkook. "Yes?" I tilt my head. "I was wondering if you can stay here with me? I don't want to eat alone." He giggles. Cute. "Ahh, I don't know." I nervous chuckle. "Please." He smiles.

"Okay." I smile back and sit in front of him. I could see Jimin smirking from the corner of my eyes. "So, you work here huh?" He says, eating his food. "Yeah." I reply.

Everything about him looks different. He looks hot, not cute. "You look different." I blurt out. I shouldn't have. What if those words offended him? I'm so stupid. "Yeah, this is my usual look." He shrugs.

"Ahh, I see." I nod my head and look out the window. I don't know why am I even sitting here. He's eating while I'm just sitting in front of him awkwardly. "How come you're not with Hyeona?" I question. "I don't always have to be with her, you know." He looks at me.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were wearing eyeliners, they look cute on you." He thinks I'm cute? But his bunny teeth smile though. "Ah, yeah, thanks." I awkwardly laugh. "You're welcome." He smiles again. Stop smiling so much.

"Anyways, I have to go back to work." I stand up. "Ah, sorry to keep you here." He apologizes. "No, no it's okay." I assure him. "I'll see you then." , "yeah."

"You know that hot guy?" Jimin questions, as soon as I reach the counter. "Stop talking so loud Jimin." I glare at him. "Okay, okay sorry, but you know him?" He asks again. "Yeah, he's my girlfriend's best friend boyfriend."

"Whoa that's a long way to put it." He chuckles. "His name is Jungkook." I add. "He's hot." He grins his usual eye smile. "Watch what you say Jimin, Yoongi hyung might hear you." I tease.

"Taehyung, is this place hiring?" Jungkook questions. "Yeah, they were looking for few more people. Why'd you ask?"

"I was looking for job. Is there any ways I can get the job?" He asks. He wants to work here? "Yeah I guess. I can tell the owner, which just happens to be my cousin, that you wanted the job."

"Oh wow, thanks!" He jumps up and down like a little kid. "Whoa Jungkook, calm down."

"Sorry, just excited to work with you." He giggles and winks at me. What is his problem? "Okay."

"Anyways, I better go. I'll see you soon." He turns his heels. "Oh, I forgot." He turns around, "can I have your number?" He wants my number? "Why?" Okay that's a little stupid question. "To talk to you, duh."

"Oh, okay." I take out a piece of paper and write my number. "Thanks, I'll talk to you later." He turns around and walks out the door.

Well, that was weird. I'm looking forward to working with you, Jungkook. And Mina didn't even come today. Today is a good day.

* I *
a.n: ✊🏼 fighting. Chapter two is up ✊🏼

 Chapter two is up ✊🏼

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Death of me.

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