He's pretty 10

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Taehyung's Perspective > > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

"Kookie, let's go to the mall." I shake his arm as he just focuses on the tv in front. "C'mon, stop ignoring me, I'll cry." I fake cry grabbing his clothe. He sighs and looks at me with a emotionless expression.

I show him my best aegyo. "Are you serious?" I nod cutely so that he could go on with my plan. "I think I have to take Hyeona to date." He shrugs. Is he going to ditch me? "Really?" I wanted to spend the day with you.

"Yeah, she just messaged me asking if we could go on a date." With a sad face, I turn my focus to the tv. "Can't you decline her?" I whisper-ask. "Can't, sorry. Beside, you were the one to tell me to be with her." He took it seriously. He laughs lightly. "Hey, why are you laughing?" I pout crossing my arms.

"I'm kidding, she hasn't texted me anything." This boy. Seriously? Trying to make me do things that aren't even necessary —aegyo. "Stupid jerk." I mutter.

"You still like this 'stupid jerk' though." He smirks. Now he's trying to make a joke out of it huh? Well, two can play this game. "Kookie," I cutely nudge him. "Taetae wants to go to the mall, please go with taetae." I batted my eyelashes. At least I won't look like Hyeona when she's batting her eyelashes, ew.

"Stop trying to act cute please." He groans and gets up. "Kookie," I whine and cling onto him. "Why are you being so mean to me?" You are going to lose Jeon, Jungkook. "Agh, I don't want to." He throws his head back and groans in annoyance.

"Taetae will be sad." I climb on his back. "Piggyback taetae to the mall."

"You're a grown man, Tae." I roll my eyes as he wasn't giving up. "You don't love me, do you?" There was this long pause before I got off him and stood in front of him. "Don't say that."

"I'm sorry, Kookie." I'm always blurting out stupid things. "It's okay. Let's go to mall." He starts walking to the living room. "Really? Yay!" I jump in excitement. He shakes his head and turns off the tv that had been playing ever since.


"Isn't this just so cute, Kookie?" I giggle, pointing at a pink bunny. "You seem so uninterested." I huff and pout. "Are you not enjoying spending time with me?" I mean, it's not like I'm being clingy or anything. It's just that he's been so emotionless since the time he said he liked me.

I like him too, a lot. But I know, I know it's wrong. He's dating someone else. I wouldn't want him to break up with her just because of me. I'd feel terrible about it. It'll be all my fault, and I don't want to have that guilt in me. I just can't.

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