He's pretty 8

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Taehyung's Perspective> > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

"Kookie, tell me." I whined , wanting to know what he had to say. "No Tae, I'm not telling." He shakes his head while taking his shoes off. I take off my shoe pouting.

"You're so mean, kookie." I huff and hit him playfully. "That's what you've been saying the whole day." He shrugs and walks to the living room. "I hate you." I mumble and follow him.

"Do you want ramen?" I nod and sit on the couch. "But I only have one bed so we have to sleep on the same bed." He says from the kitchen which was connected with the living room. "Okay."

"You know how innocent you are, Tae?" He chuckles. "I'm older than you." I quickly respond. "So? You're still innocent." I pull my tongue out and make a face at him.

"Anyways, how are you and Hyeona doing?" I ask fiddling with my fingers, a little awkward I must say. "Uh, good I guess."

"Here you go." He hands me a cup of ramen with eggs in it. "Thanks." I muttered. He nods and starts eating. I don't know why but I feel a little awkward. I mean, we're in his apartment eating ramen at night, alone.

"You okay?" I snap out of my thoughts as he stares at me. "Yeah, I'm okay." I nervously laugh before continuing to slurp the noodle. "You and Mina broke up?" I nod not looking at him. "It's her loss." He whispered but I clearly heard.
I don't say anything as I just enjoy eating the noodle.


"Here, you can wear this." He handed me a white shirt. It was quite big for me, but nonetheless, I wore it. "Sorry, I sleep shirtless." He added as I widened my eyes. His abs, he looks hot. Where did the pretty boy go?

I gulp nervously and look away. He walks to his bed and lays down. "Sorry if you're uncomfortable." He says. "It's no problem, Kookie!" I cheerfully say trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere. I walk to the other side of the bed and lay down as well.

"So Kookie," I call out. He turns to face me. "Hmm?" He hums looking at me. Don't look at me like that. "Now that I've been to your place, do you want to come to mine too, later on?" He smiles and nods. "That'd be great."

"Mmm." I also nod and smile at him. "Taehyung," he calls out. "If I do something, are you going to hate me?" I look at him confused. I mean, why would I hate him though? "What makes you think I'd hate you?" I ask.

"Because I know you will," he trails off. It's as if he's always hiding something. He wants to say something but he just doesn't. "I won't. What do you want to do?" I tilt my head and smile. "You won't?" I nod.

"What if you did? What if you stop talking to me? What if you don't even look at me anymore?" He cracks up. I scoot closer to him and hug him. "I won't silly." I chuckle a little at how cute he was acting. He finally wraps his hands around me and returns the hug.

I smile and snuggle closer. "So, what did you want to do?" I ask, still hugging him. He sighs and pulls away. I frown as the warmth leaves. He quickly hovers top of me. I nervously gulp. What is he trying to do? I'm not stupid.

I think I know . . .

He leans in and pecks me on my lips. I grab his muscle blushing. He tilts his head and leans in to kiss me again. This time, I respond. So this is what he wanted to do?

But this is wrong. He's in relationships with someone else. I can't do this to him? Mina cheated on me and now he'll be cheating too. I don't want him to look bad in front of Hyeona. Though I enjoying him kissing me, I have to stop. I can't do this.

I push him away and pull the cover over me. He sighs and gets off of me. "I'm sorry." He whispers and lays beside. "I'm not mad Jungkook," I whisper. "We just can't do this. You're in relationship with someone else. You can't do this."


"I don't hate you either. I won't stop talking to you and nor will I stop looking at you." I answer his previous questions. "You're too pretty to not look at." I add and look at him. I smile with lips in thin line. "Good night, Kookie." I kissed him on the cheek and turn around.

My heart is beating so fast.

+ + +
a.n: fuck they kiss *kms*

recently been so addicted to anime gif (esp yaoi) , so thought i'd put the gif for chapters.

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