He's pretty 11

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Taehyung's Perspective > > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

To Kookie: are you home?
[delivered 10:01 pm]

From Kookie: yeah , thanks for asking
[sent 10:03 pm]

To Kookie: haha no problem
From Kookie: yeh

Why does he act so different? He seems . . . Cold. Did I mess up again? I don't remember doing anything. I close my phone and bury myself. Groaning at how he responded with a simple 'yeh'

To Kookie: are you mad at me or something?
From Kookie: what? Pft no. Why'd you ask?
To Kookie: you act differently after you said you liked me.

I'm not kidding, ever since then, he's been so. . .I don't know, off track. I wish things would go back to how it was before.

From Kookie: I'm not Tae
To Kookie: you are. Tell me what's wrong?
From Kookie: I'm just awkward. I mean you say you like me but you don't want to be with me and it makes no sense to me
To Kookie: I just wish things would go back to how it was before. Playful.
From Kookie: and we can. But I don't know how
To Kookie: you were fine being my friend when we were at your place. Beside, we don't even know each other that well. All I know about you is that you live alone and that your name is Jungkook
From Kookie: ok fine.
To Kookie: fine what?
From Kookie: we'll get to know each other tomorrow.
To Kookie: you gotta be kidding me
From Kookie: I'm not. See you tomorrow Tae 💕


This is going to be a long day. "Bye mom, I'm off to the cafe." I kiss my mom on the way to outside as she waves me off. "Hey Tae." Jungkook hugs me and kisses my head. Well, he got better quickly.

"What?" He asks as I stare at him. I shake my head and hug him back. "C'mon let's go." He takes my hand and intertwines them. Is he feeling alright? "When's your birthday?" He suddenly asks.

"December the 30th." He halts and looks at me grinning so brightly. "That's in like few days!" I nod excitedly. "How old are you going to be?"
"I'll be twenty-one." He nods slowly. "Are you going to throw a party?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "Yeah, mom wanted me to. She's going out with her friends so I could have party at my house."

"When's your birthday?"
"Mines on the 1st of September." Oh, so it passed already. "How old are you?" I ask him the same question. "I'm nineteen now." Well at least it's not that long age gap, it's just two years apart.

"Tae," I hum and look at him. "The cafe's here." Oh right, the cafe. I completely forgot we were going to the cafe. "Yeah, let's go inside."

Jeon Jungkook, I like you.

+ + +
a.n: no 'i love you' taehyung ?

i hate angst so much
when you see someone being happy , you're almost, every time, wrong about the person being happy. They're usually so depressed and are feeling alone.

Shortest chapter ??

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