He's pretty 13

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Taehyung's Perspective > > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

From Jimin: yah! why'd you and Jungkook go home early yesterday?
[sent 7:30 am]

To Jimin: I'm coming there in few. Why r u asking me rn? I'll tell u there
From Jimin: u better

Sighing, I kissed my mom's cheek like always and headed outside to meet Jungkook. But there wasn't that happy-go-boy who'd say, "good morning Taehyung!" He wasn't here.

Is he late? He'd usually be waiting here for me. Probably should wait for him for a while.

I've been waiting for about five minutes and he's still not here. Did he already left for the cafe? Well, he's probably mad at me for slapping him yesterday. I feel bad, but what choice did I have? He has girlfriend and he's kissing someone else. That's cheating and I can't take it.

Sure, I responded few times and I feel guilty for doing so. I feel guilty that I'm the one he's cheating with when he has a girl friend. Beside, it's for his own good too. He should just be with her.

Shaking my head, I start walking alone to the cafe. Maybe I can apologize when I see him at the cafe later.

"Jimin, is Jungkook here?" I asked Jimin who was at the counter. "Ah, he called few minutes that he's not coming today." He's not coming? How was I supposed to apologize to him if he's not here? I mean, I could do it by text but it wouldn't be as meaningful as it would in person.

"Did he say why?" Jimin looked at me weirdly. "No, he just said he wouldn't be able to come today." I nod slowly. "Anyways, tell me why did you guys go home early yesterday? Is something going on between you and Jungkook? Wait! are you two dating!?"

"Yah, stop asking too many questions!" He frowns but nods. "Okay to answer your questions, I went home early with him because he wanted to come with me I don't know why." I think, I don't quite know why he wanted to go home with me.

"N-nothing's going on with him and me either." Why am I stuttering? I look away from Jimin not wanting him to doubt anything. "And finally, we're not dating." I sternly say.

"Something is going on with you and Jungkook, isn't there?" He steps closer to me. "N-no, what makes you think that? Haha."

"Oh c'mon Tae, I've  been your best friend since forever, I know when you're lying."

"Now, come on be a good best friend and tell me." He grins, he GRINS! This boy. "Nothing really." He pouts crossing his arms. Midget getting mad isn't something you can take serious, they're too cute to take serious.

"Are you telling or not?" He grins bigger as I sigh and nod. "He kissed me yesterday and I slapped him." He looked at me with his eyes widened. "What? He kissed you?" I nod.

"Aww!" He squealed like a high school girl. "Was that the first time he kissed you?" I shake my head. "No, we've kissed before few times." His mouth was opened so wide I had to chuckle a little.

"Oh-my-gosh Tae! But why'd you slap him yesterday only?" Yes, why did I? Other times he kissed me, I did nothing but responded. "I felt guilty." I admitted.

"How come?"

"Well, yesterday when Hyeona came, I saw how they laughed and I could see that Hyeona likes him very much. He deserves to be with her not me."

"Why is my best friend so stupid? Can't you see he likes you?" He smacked my head. "I know, he said few times he loves me, but I don't want to have that guilt in me where I stole Jungkook away from Hyeona."

"That's not stealing. He says he loves you, didn't he?" I nod. "Well, then that's not stealing. He loves you and you love him back, don't you?" I do like him.

"Yes, but it's wrong Jimin. Mina cheated on me and now he'll be cheating on Hyeona whenever he kisses me."

"Well then ask him to break up with Hyeona if he wants to kiss you and be with you." He scoffs. He don't get the point. "He even said he'd break up with her, but can't you see that Hyeona likes him very much?"

"I'll let you figure this out, but first go to Jungkook's house and apologize to him for slapping." He pats my shoulder and walks away.


"Jungkook, open the door!" I've been knocking for three to four times now and he still hasn't opened the door. I hope he's okay. "Jungkook! I know you're inside, open the door!" I bang on the door. I just hope I won't disturb the neighbors.

"C'mon, please open the door Jungkook." I continue to bang on the door. "Please keep it down, my child's sleeping." The next door neighbor said through a little peak opened door. "I'm sorry." I bow as the person closed the door.

"Jungkook, please open the door." I quietly knock again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for slapping you, please open the door." 

"Please come out."

I knocked few more times and finally gave up. I'm sure he'll be out tomorrow, I hope. I don't know if he'll even come to the birthday party now that this has happened.

Please forgive me and show me your smile.

+ + +
a.n: don't worry , they'll be alright 💕

anywhoo, please check this book out👇🏼

By @ilovevixxass    (very , very nice name;)

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By @ilovevixxass    (very , very nice name;)

By @ilovevixxass    (very , very nice name;)

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