He's pretty 20

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Special collab with -taesjuancock 💕

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Special collab with -taesjuancock 💕

Jungkook's Perspective
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I arranged everything that was needed, as in foods and drinks for today as I waited for him to come over. It'll be just two of us which is a blessing. It's not like we'll be doing things or something, beside, I haven't even asked him out correctly.

He should be here in few minutes, it's already seven-thirty. I went to the kitchen to re-check everything. I'm a bit nervously and I don't know why. Was it because of what happened yesterday? I really do hope I can make it up to him and explain everything.

The door bell rang [an: i hate this] notifying me that Taehyung had arrived. "Hi Tae!" I quickly engulfed him into a hug. "Hey Kookie." He wrapped his arm around my waist. "You came."

"Obviously since I'm here." He seems mad. "Look, I can explain —" "you don't need to explain, now can we go inside? It's cold." I nodded and stepped aside so he could get inside. "So, why aren't you going to your parent's place for New Years?" He asked as we sat on the couch.

"I just wanted to spend with you." I mumbled. He stared at me for a second and looked back at the tv. "So, did you broke up with her?" He scooted closer. "Yeah, and of course a slap too." He chuckled a little and snuggled. He sure does like cuddles.

"Tae, I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything." I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. "It's okay. So, you liked me before you saw me in real person?" I hummed as he flipped through channels. Christmas songs still playing on few of them.

"So you had hots for me before I did?" He turned around and smirked. I nodded and blushed madly. One moment he's a serious freak and the next, he's a total fuss-ball. He's bipolar. "Shut up Taehyung." He pouted crossing his arms. "You're mean." He muttered.

"I love you too." If I could just kiss away the pout. "Say," I hummed for him to continue. "You broke up with her but you never asked me out so why are we in this position?" He scooted away from me. It's not like we haven't done this before or kissed like couples when I had a girlfriend. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I wanted to do that yesterday, y'know after I break up with her but things didn't quite went the way as I planned it would and so I couldn't." He nodded slowly, taking his attention towards the tv.

"So, do you want to go out with me? This time for real, like boyfriends?" He harshly nodded, grinning widely. "So, boyfriends?" I asked one more time. "Boyfriends!" He threw himself on me, wrapping around me like a kid clinging to his mother. "I've been waiting for you to say this." He mumbled as I stroke his soft hair. "Y'know, this red hair really suits on you."

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