He's pretty 17

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Jungkook's Perspective > > >

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Jungkook's Perspective
> > >

In the morning when I woke up, Taehyung was snuggled on me. His half body on top hugging me. His very long lashes showing because of his eyes closed. He was stunning , even in the morning. A blush crept on me as I remembered what had happened at night.

I took my phone that was on the nightstand and took a picture of us. He stirred up so I quickly put the phone on the nightstand and closed my eyes. "Nngh, ahh my head." I heard him groan.

A gasp escaped his mouth. "Kookie," he sounded confused. "Kookie ! You're here!" He suddenly shouted and hugged me. "Tae, get up." I chuckle a little and stroked his hair. "Good morning Kookie." He buried his face hugging me. "Good morning Tae."

"Is your head hurting?" He nodded rubbing his head. "It hurts so much." He pouted and sat up. "Kookie, your neck!" He pointed to my neck where he had sucked on yesterday. "What about it?" I shrugged.

"It's purple, what happened?" I blushed and looked away. "What happened?" He asked again. "You happened." He looked at me confused.

"Me happened?" He pointed his index finger to himself. "You did this." I plainly stated. "Really? I'm sorry. How'd this happened?" He can't be this naive, right? Or is he just playing with me so that he wouldn't be embarrassed.

"Are you for reals?"

"What?" He nervously chuckled. "You don't Remember anything?" I asked sitting up. He shook his head cutely. I swear if he wasn't this adorable. "You sucked on it and made this." He began to blush.

"And you even said you loved me and that I should break up with Hyeona." I said the last sentence very slowly. "Aish. .  ." He buried his face in my chest in embarrassment.

"So, are you going to break up with her?" He softly muttered. "You asked me to." I replied playing with his hair. "Are you doing it because I asked you to?" He asked. "Also because I've been waiting for you to say that." 

"When are you going to do it?" He asked playing with the hem of my shirt. "Umm, I don't know. When do you want me to do it?"

"I don't know, but don't let her kiss you, ever again." He whispered and looked up to me. "Okay, but you'd want to kiss me right?" He blushed and slightly punched my chest. "Of course, stupid."

I cupped his cheeks and leaned in. "No, I have morning breathe." He covered his mouth and moved away from me. I pulled him closer and kissed him. He whined in between the kiss but responded. Taehyung moved his hands around my neck and tilted his head.

"Wha, hehe." He cutely awed. "You want more?" He shook his head giggling. "I do, but not now."

I'll tell you about how and where I fell in love with you soon, but please don't hate me after.

+ + +
a.n: just a quick update. This story is coming to an end ^^
yay another book completed book coming soon!

he's my boyfriend everyone ! Isn't he adorable?  he looks like Tae doesn't he? (He really is Tae btw lol) don't eye on him girls , he's mine 💕

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he's my boyfriend everyone ! Isn't he adorable?  he looks like Tae doesn't he? (He really is Tae btw lol) don't eye on him girls , he's mine 💕

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