He's pretty 19

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Jungkook's Perspective > > >

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Jungkook's Perspective
> > >

I knew something like this would happen. Everything was going so well that it suddenly just fell. I wanted to ask Taehyung to be my boyfriend officially today but things didn't quite went the ways I wanted it to.

I did not liked the fact that Hyeona called Taehyung faggot and slapped him. If anything, it should've been me who deserved those. Though I got slapped too, he didn't deserved it.

He warned me tons of time things like this would happen and what I did? I said it was okay. I said that everything was going to be okay when it wasn't.

After Hyeona left me, I went to my place and sat my bed thinking. I know I should apologize to both of them, especially Hyeona since all I did was used her. All those kisses with her meant nothing to me while it was something to her. I betrayed her.

To Hyeona: hey, i just wanted to say that I'm sorry
[delievered 9:30 pm]

From Hyeona: you hurt me oppa
To Hyeona: I know, and I'm sorry
From Hyeona: so you liked Taehyung oppa the whole time?
To Hyeona: yeh
From Hyeona: wow
To Hyeona: I'm sorry for using you
From Hyeona: it's oky for now , but I just wanted to say that I really did liked you, y'know?
To Hyeona: I'm sorry
From Hyeona: stop saying sorry 😂
To Hyeona: 😅😅
From Hyeona: could you pls tell Taehyung oppa that I was sorry for slapping him and calling him names? I was just so mad at that time I didn't know what I was doing.
To Hyeona: yeh sure. Good night Hyeona
From Hyeona: gudnit oppa

Well, at least she's okay now. I hope Taehyung's okay. He won't even reply my messages. He reads them but won't reply. I did not even go to the cafe today.

Did he went? He was already dressed up to go. All he does is read and that's all.

To Tae💕: pls reply me. I can see that ur reading
[read 9:59 pm]
To Tae💕: tae, pls.
[read 10:01 pm]
To Tae💕: I love you
[read 10:02 pm]
Tae💕 is typing . . .

He's finally going to reply. I've tried calling , texting , everything but he still wouldn't want to.

After few seconds, the typing was gone. I waited for few more seconds to see if he'll reply, but he didn't. I'm so sleepy but I still didn't want to give up.

I can't go on today without getting something from him. I need to know that's he's okay. Yeah, the "typing" and the "read" made it clear that he's okay but I haven't seen him. 

I don't know what he's done. I have to make sure he's okay before I sleep, but he's not giving me any clue of whether he was okay or not.

To Tae💕: please, reply me.
[read 10:05 pm]
To Tae💕: I need to make sure you're okay Tae. Reply me pls
[read 10:06 pm]
Tae💕 is typing. . .

From Tae💕: Gudnt Kookie

He finally wrote something.

To Tae💕: let me kno ur okay. Send me a pic
[read 10:08 pm]
From Tae💕: no
To Tae💕: pls tae
From Tae💕: agh fine !

I sheepishly smiled and waited for him to send me a picture of him.

From Tae💕: happy!? Now go to sleep

I quickly saved it to my camera roll and grinned

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I quickly saved it to my camera roll and grinned. Though he is mad, he's still the adorable Taehyung I know.

To Tae💕: pretty as always. did u go to the cafe?
From Tae💕: you can't even see me clear. And I said go to sleep. And no
To Tae💕: can u come over tomorrow? Since we dnt have work? Let's spent New Years together.
From Tae💕: I dnt kno . . .
To Tae💕: pls. We can cuddle ;)
From Tae💕: jst becz I like cuddling w/ u doesn't mean I'll fall for it !😪
To Tae💕: pls come over
From Tae💕: oky fine ! Go to sleep.
To Tae💕: I love you
[read 10:15 pm]

Shaking my head, I turned off my phone and closed my eyes with happy thoughts. This year's New Years is going to be the best one ever. Spending with the one I love.

I love you, Kim Taehyung.

+ + +
a.n: Idek what's with me always ending in New Years lmao. Two books [LTMB series] ended with years years didn't they? 😂

Double update

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