He's pretty 5

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Jungkook's perspective> > >

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Jungkook's perspective
> > >

"Jungkook, do you want to grab lunch with me?" Taehyung asked, wiping his hands. Does he know how much of a pretty boy is he? "Of course! Thanks for the offer, let me just go change." I turn to walk away.

"You don't have to change, I'm not changing either." I nod and walk up to him. I'm glad Hyeona or Mina isn't here. "Hey Taehyung," I call him out as we step out the cafe. "Hmm?" He hums in response. "Nothing." I smile at him, he has very beautiful eyes.

He hums again and wonders off the streets. I wonder how it feels to hold his hand again, would it be okay if did? "Are you cold?" I ask, knowing well that winter is very close and the weather is getting colder and colder each day. He nods.

I grab his hand like I did the night we walked together the first time. He looks at me confused. "Don't worry, it's to keep you warm." I smile, no, I just wanted to hold your hand. "Hey Jungkook," now he's the one to call me. I look at him, he was staring back at me.

"When are your emo days going to go away?" He starts to laugh right after he's done talking. I look at him in disbelief. I thought he was going to say something else but he did the totally opposite. "Really?"

"Sorry —hahah I just — hahahaha — I just can't help it." Throwing his head back, he continues to laugh. He's pretty. Very. Soon after, I start laughing with him. "If you want me to stop being emo, as you prefer to say," He stops laughing. "I'll stop." He smiles, pink shade appearing on his cheeks; was it because of the cold?

"I was just playing." He chuckles ever so cutely. "You look really hot with those plain shirts and tight jeans." He quickly covers his mouth blushing, I know he's blushing this time. I smirk at his remark and proudly grin. "Well, thank you sir." I emphasize the sir.


"Really? To the McDonalds?" I shake my head as he cutely nods. "C'mon Kookie!" He squeals and pulls me inside.

"Two chicken sandwich, one medium sized cola and one medium sized sprit please." He orders, really? Cold drink in cold weather? He shrugs and pulls me to the farthest table where it was quieter.

After a while of waiting, glancing at each other quite a lot, our orders were called. We both stood up and walk to the counter. "I'll pay." I take my wallet out. "Nah, I'll pay, beside, I was the one to bring you here." Taehyung takes his wallet out as I pout.

"Fine, but I'll be the one paying next time." He nods smiling at me and pays the money needed.

"Thank you for the food." - "thank you for the food."

We start eating. I'll tell you guys this, he eats fast. He's already half way through while I've eat like one-fourth of it. "You eat slowly Kookie." I like how he's calling me Kookie. "Isn't it the other way, Tae?" I smirk. "Kookie's mean!" He pouts and nudges me playfully.

"You still like me though." I wink. "Wh-what?" He stutters, cute. "What?" I innocently tilt my head and look at him. He shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink. I do the same and take a sip of my drink. "Can I try your drink?" He asks eyeing my drink.

Indirect kiss. "Yeah sure, here." I hand him the drink. I stare at him as he sips some from my drink. "Thank you, Kookie." He sure is using Kookie a lot. "No problem, just ask if you need more." He nods.

"Do you want to try mine?" He asks, I nod slowly trying not to blush. He chuckles, "you're so cute." He pinches my cheeks. I look down, not wanting him to see the blush he just created on me. "Sh-shut up."


Finally, I get to be with him. I know, I know this is rude; using Hyeona.

* * *
a.n: hehe

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